
CHAPTER TWELVE: Mixed feelings

Hayden pace about in his living room in frustration. He has been out with Jansen and Farrell looking for the three beasts who has ran away from the big cage to no avail.

" I can't pick up any scents or anything. " He mutters in frustration to the two men who sat down looking worried then he stop pacing all of a sudden when he perceived Isabella scent.

Why is she here? He asked himself

The doorbell rang and the maid quickly attend to it. Minutes later both Joyce and Isabella walk in slowly to take in the beauty of the living room.

It was painted all in white with traces of powder blue and gold to create a grandiose atmosphere. The luxurious velvet furnitures matched with the colour of the rug which was spread at the center of the large room. A gorgeous Golden lamp stood gleaming beside the velvet sofas  to provide a high style focus in the room. At a side was a magnificent sculpture of a beast that send a powerful message to any guests that step into the house.  The flowers arts on the wall contributed in giving the living room an extravagant appearance.

Hayden stop pacing to stare at the guests. He picked up an aura of nervousness around them and he smiled to ease up their mood even though he was confused on why they had visit.

" Sit " he said to them gently. Farrell and Jansen stood up to leave but Isabella quickly spoke.

" We are here regarding the beast who go berserk yesterday " the three men became very interested in them. Especially Hayden who has been having hard time regarding the situation.

" What do you know about them ? " He asked calmly. Isabella avoid looking at him in the eyes. She feared she will loose control of herself if she do.

" We are just coming from the research foundation and we ... " She hesitate at the last minute thinking.

What if Hayden got angry about it?

" Research foundation? Isn't that duvall's company? Why would you go anywhere near the man that my beast growl at? " Hayden asked in a cold voice.

Isabella lifted her head slowly to face the man she will be getting married to in the near future and she saw his eyes glowing.

" You shouldn't get angry at me. I was called in for an interview " She retoted in a strong voice.

She look away from his glare.

Why is he getting angry, as if he cares about me.

She heard Hayden hiss in his breath before looking away,the glow slowly leaving his eyes.

" Why would Duvall Interview you ? Is it about the Beasts? " Farrell asked.

" Yes but we think it will do no good to the public if they learnt about the yesterday encounter so we lied " Joyce replied. She stop to stare at Hayden who regard her curiously.

" Why would you lied? " Hayden asked

Joyce who was very excited to have finally gain the leader of the beast family's attention  quickly replied.

" We do not want to cause the humans any worry. I saw you killed him yesterday so there is nothing to worry about... Right? "

" I didn't kill him " he announced.

Isabella and Joyce share a surprise glance before facing Hayden.

" You didn't? Where is he then? " They asked in unison. Fear written boldly on their face.

Hayden look away from their gaze letting out a breath to calm himself.

" He ran away " he finally said with an embarrassed look.

" What? " The two women shouted in awe.

Hayden turn to his men.

" Keep looking, if anything comes up just say a word. I will listen " he said dismissing Jansen and Farrell.

He finally settled his eyes on Isabella and Joyce.

" You both should go home and stay safe. Do not come out today, especially you " he pointed to Joyce whose heart skip a beat.

" Me? " She ask in disbelief.

" Yes, he is your step father so he might come for you " he said.

" Oh right, i will be safe MT castle... Right? " She asked Hayden who nodded.

" Yes. If we find him i will send a word to you. Now if you will excuse me " he said walking away to his room.

Isabella scoff slightly as Hayden walk away without saying any words to her. She sighed softly.

It is for the greater good. I can't fall for him at all, so it's best if we keep ourselves at arm length.

She stood up and walk out with joyce behind her smiling.

" Do you see that? Hayden cares about me so much that he advise me to stay home. I will have to do as he says " Joyce said smiling brightly at Isabella who gave her a cold stare.

" Whatever, do as you please. I'm going to work " she said rolling her eyes.

Isabella drop Joyce at MT castle before she drove off to her father's company.

" Joyce must have forgotten she lost her mother yesterday judging my the way she was smiling at Hayden happily . Oh goodness! Can't wrap my head around it. That man is surely a mystery " She said aloud to herself on her way to MT site.

She finally pull into the garage, her heel tapping on the pavement, providing  a staccato sounds. She entered the building, stop for a moment to insert a key plastic card in a slot where it was read automatically. Then the barrier which was blocking her way ease open and she continues walking. With her black suit she look every inch like a professional business woman.

As the daughter of the CEO she was made the director. She stop suddenly when she saw Leon smiling at her, waiting.

Why is he here again when we just depart an hour ago when i left research foundation ? She asked herself before walking  to the Leon with her chin up.

" Hello Mr Duvall, what are you doing here? "

Leon smile Brightly.

" Told you it's Leon, there is no need for us to be formal. " He held up a hand smiling " i am your new business partner. Research foundation just signed a partnership contract with MT site "he said grinning, obviously very Happy with the news.

" What? " Isabella asked in utter disbelief. " Why would father partner with you? How does MT site that deals in Real Estate business Tally with research foundation? " She asked in confusion.

" I think your dad deserve that question." Leon replied.

Suddenly antsy Isabella rush to the CEO office where her father sat behind a desk smiling at Mr Duvall.

Her heart skip a beat at the sight.

What is going on ?

Mr Duvall smile brightly as he saw Isabella.

" Why? She is such a fine woman. I won't mind marrying her off to my son " He said chuckling.

Martin face lighted up at once.

" Really? " He asked clearly in surprise. Mr Duvall chuckled softly.

" Of course, it will do nothing but to help us both... Don't you think ? "

Martin hear this and grinned. He look towards his daughter who was watching the two men in awe.

What is Mr Duvall doing here? A business partnership and also a marriage proposal... Oh no! This can't be happening. How about Hayden?

She thought to herself with a mixed feeling of wonder and fear.

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