


After learning a lesson, I didn't make a fool of myself over the next few days. I stayed in bed to recover from my injuries. During this period, I still couldn't help but covet Rowan's beauty and figure.

After a week, I could walk freely. As long as I didn't exert too much force, it would not hurt so much.

I happened to see a notice in the company group chat that there was an ice-breaking activity in the company tomorrow night to welcome a group of employees who had just joined during the summer vacation.

On the last day of my leave, I brought my friend to the mall to buy a dress. It was a small event after all.

On the night of the event, I put on the dress, put on light makeup, and looked in the mirror, feeling quite satisfied.

When I went out, I saw Rowan holding a glass of water and staring at me blankly.

"What's wrong?"

I pulled the hem of the skirt with embarrassment.

"You look good."

His cheeks were suspiciously ruddy, and then he shifted his gaze to my thighs. His eyes darkened. "But it's a little too short."

"There's an event in the company at night, so it's too late to buy another dress."

I was ready to go out with my bag and shoes on.

"Let me send you there."

Rowan walked straight over and took the car key. He sounded like he would not take no for an answer.


I arrived at the entrance of the company on time. I opened the car door and was ready to get off, but Rowan stopped me.

"I'll pick you up later."

I looked up and met his dark eyes, feeling a little panicked. "It may be quite late."

"It's okay. I'll wait for you."

I nodded and turned around to enter the company.

I thought that Rowan's kindness made it so hard to control myself. Unfortunately, he still had unresolved feelings in his heart. I could only look at him from a distance and not make him mine.

"Hey, Priscilla, is he your boyfriend?"

My colleague looked outside curiously.

"No, my best friend's younger brother."

I'd like him to be my boyfriend.

"Younger brother? Why don't you make him your boyfriend? A younger man for a partner is so refreshing!"

"Why are you talking like you're a vampire?" I couldn't help laughing. "Let's go to the auditorium."

This year's ice-breaking activities were different from the past. In the past, they were all engaged in games and singing. This year, the leaders kept encouraging the newcomers to drink.

I didn't like it very much, but my colleagues made me drink two glasses of wine.

The alcohol kicked in. I walked to the restroom and splashed my face with cold water. Maybe I had been bending down all the time so when I suddenly looked up, I found that I was even dizzier.

I went back to the couch. I was a little disoriented and began to look for my phone.

Rowan's words suddenly popped up in my mind. He said he would come to pick me up.

The call was picked up. I had just said "Rowan" but my colleague grabbed my phone.

"Priscilla, don't leave. Don't spoil the fun. We'll send you back later."

"No, I can't drink anymore."

I reached out to take my phone, accidentally tripped over my foot, and fell onto the couch.

I was getting dizzier while my body got heavier, and all kinds of noises filled my ears.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, my arm was grabbed and I was pulled up by someone.

"Pris? It's Rowan."

I opened my eyes slightly and wondered why Rowan was at my company. "Why are you calling me Pris? Call me Priscilla."

As soon as I finished speaking, I was dragged out by him. "I'll take you home."

Rowan stuffed me into the car and fastened my seat belt, but still couldn't stop me from falling.

In a daze, I leaned against Rowan's shoulder and muttered something, but before my consciousness completely disappeared, I seemed to feel my lips being covered by someone else's.

I seemed to have dreamed that Rowan kissed me. I pouted but didn't touch anything with my lips.

I reached out and waved in the air. "Don't run, Rowan..."

Then I woke up and my brain went completely blank.

I stared at the ceiling and pondered over things for ten minutes. Then I suddenly lifted the quilt and checked my clothes.

I was wearing a dress last night.

Yet, I was in pajamas now.

Just after the only possibility flashed in my mind, a familiar voice could be heard at the door.

"Stop staring at it. I was the one who got you changed."

"Savannah, when did you get back?"

I was shocked.

"I just came back yesterday and saw you being dragged back by my brother." Savannah crossed her arms and said helplessly, "What did I tell you? Don't drink."

"I didn't throw up on the bed, did I?"

I turned over and looked at the bed. Fortunately, I didn't. I saved 55 dollars.

"You didn't throw up on the bed. You threw up on my brother."

I opened my mouth slightly and looked at Savannah in despair.

Savannah told me that after Rowan took me to the doorstep of her house last night, I held him tightly, talking about falling in love with him, and asking him why he flirted with me when he already had a girl he liked.

"You even tried to kiss him, but you threw up on him before you kissed him."

Savannah looked at me sympathetically.

"I'm too ashamed to face your brother!"

I buried my head in the bed and cried bitterly.

"I find that you are really slow sometimes." Savannah sighed, "You're even slower than my brother. Can't you see that he is interested in you?"

I was stunned and suddenly lifted the quilt. "What did you say?"

"He's more than interested." Savannah shrugged mysteriously and turned around to leave. "I'm leaving. My little boyfriend is waiting for me."

"Hey, be clear with me."

When I was about to stop her, Rowan stepped in.

"Are you awake?"

He had dark circles under his eyes. He probably didn't sleep well last night because of me.

"I'm sorry. Thank you for last night."

I grabbed the quilt and didn't dare to look at him.

"You shouldn't drink next time. What if you black out?"

Rowan's voice was cold as he blamed me. It was the first time I had heard him talk to me so seriously.

"Got it."

I nodded heavily with my head lowered.

"I've made oatmeal for you. Come out and eat it before it gets cold."

Rowan left coldly.

After having the oatmeal, I hesitated and said, "I'm going back to stay at my place."

My leg was healed now, so I couldn't stay here anymore.

Rowan looked up and said nothing. His long eyelashes obscured the emotions in his eyes.

I took a deep breath and didn't know what I was expecting.

When I got up and was about to go to the room to pack my things, someone grabbed my arm, causing me to lose my balance and fall on the couch.

I met Rowan's stern eyes and my heart beat fast. "Rowan, what..."

"Are you stupid?"

Rowan panted heavily, exhaling warm air.

"Can't you tell that I like you? Or is it because I like you, so you can leave anytime you want?"

Rowan sounded cold. I couldn't help shivering. He made it look like I was a bad person.


I obviously liked him too.

"Do you think I let you pinch my face and boss me around without complaints in the past because I was an idiot?"

My heart trembled. I used to order him around, but I thought he was just an obedient boy. "You've always liked me?"


Rowan looked away and snorted as if he was a little uncomfortable.

"But your sister said that before you went to the army, you and a girl..."

"I went to the army because of you."

I was confused. I did not know when I had hurt Rowan and caused him to join the army.

"Me? What did I do?" I asked.

Rowan pursed his lips and stood up to clear the bowls on the table, not wanting to answer me.

I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him back.

"Tell me! Explain everything to me!"

This time, I sat on his lap.

Blushing, Rowan was forced to tell me falteringly.

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