
Chp 1 Pt. 4 Sorrow


I have never heard mom’s story before. She’s been through so much and it’s still not over. I have been trying for months to communicate with Malayah using our telepathy powers. Dimitri said we are twins so it should be more powerful that just mom trying to communicate with her. He even helped me to communicate when someone is in another realm. But so far it hasn’t been working. I get nothing.

Derek still keeps the seal on my window so I can’t sneak out but at this point I wouldn’t. I don’t want to give Enzo more ammo against my parents. That and I already hurt a few of my guard and Derek trying to use my powers to break the seal open. I don’t want to hurt anyone else.

I am super stoked to have prince Aspen train me. I know learning their skills will definitely give me what I need to kick uncle Mark’s butt. I have already mastered my powers like mom so it would be no fun beating him that way. I need to beat him at what he is good at, hand to hand combat.

With Aspen leading the elves in tracking my sister he will remain in wolf territory for quite a while. Which means lots of training for me. I take a break from trying to contact Malayah to take a shower. After I finish I quickly dress, leave my hair to air dry and head to the library. I need a new book. Upon entering I notice there is someone else in the room.

“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize anyone else was in here.”

The person turns around and I realize it’s prince Aspen. Dad told me his royal and to behave myself in his presence. “Your highness I’m sorry to have disturbed you. I can come back another time.”

“Please stay Maliyah. This is your home and call me Aspen. I know I am a prince but I’d like us to be friends,” he replies smiling at me. I smile back.

“What are you reading?”

“I haven’t decided yet. Your family has a lot of books I’ve never heard of. Do you have a recommendation?”

“Well this one is my favorite, but I love horses so I do not know if it’s something you’d like or not.” I hand him a copy of Black Beauty

“What’s it about,” Aspen asks.

“The story is told from the point of view of a horse of how horses were treated in the late 18th century. It starts with his birth and he ends up in several different homes. Some treat him well, some don’t. It’s really sad, made me cry.”

“Sounds interesting. Are animals not treated well in your realm?”

“Have you not explored the human world?”

“No I haven’t. Unfortunately my father was very particular with my upbringing but now that I am older I plan to travel to every realm.”

“Well to answer your question, yes and no. There are many animals that are mistreated in our realm. Some living on streets starving. Many are cruelly killed or abused by their owners. It’s really sad. I ensure to treat my horse well unlike that one in the story.”

“I see you are passionate about animals. You ride horses?”

“Yes, I have a beautiful mare. I named her Beauty like the horse in the book. I haven’t been out to the stables in a while though.”

“Well you’ve been going through a lot. When you do go may I join you? I’d love see one up close and maybe even ride one.”

“Sure. I have to talk to my parents first to see when I can go given the circumstances, but I’ll be sure to let you know. I can show you how to ride too.”

“Thank you for the recommendation. I’ll let you know what I think of the book. Goodnight Maliyah.”

“Goodnight Aspen.”

Aspen leaves with the book. It’ll be nice to have another friend. I don’t get to see Samantha much anymore so it’ll be nice to have Aspen around. He likes books like I do. I’ll have to make him a list to read while he is here. I scan the shelves and decide on to finally try The Great Gatsby. My teacher gave me a list of more advanced books to read that I would typically be reading when I reach high school. So far I’ve loved the books she recommended. The Giver was one of my favorites.

I head back upstairs and before entering my room I look over at Malayah’s door. Something is compelling me to go to her room. I look around the hall and don’t see anyone. I walk down the hall and slip into her room. I smile seeing her soccer jersey on her bed and several clothes, gym bags and shoes all over her floor. Tears form in my eyes, it’s so like Malayah to not clean up after herself. I miss her so much. On her night stand she has a picture of her and me from our seventh birthday. I try communicating with again.

“Come on Malayah where are you?” I don’t know why I am trying. It’s been months and nothing has happened. I don’t know why I expect a different outcome now. “If you can hear me, I love you.” I prepare to sever the connections when I hear a voice.

“Maliyah? Maliyah is that you?”

“Malayah? Oh my goodness. You can actually hear me?”

“Yeah I’ve been trying for months to get through to you. Why now?”

“I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve been in your room since you disappeared. Maybe that’s why. I was looking at the picture on your nightstand.”

“I’m so scared Maliyah.”

“Where are you Malayah?”

“I’m somewhere in South America. I heard them say that’s where we are. They have control of my body but I don’t think they are aware I still have control of my mind. Maliyah they are going to make me kill again. I don’t want to. Please tell mom I am so sorry. I should’ve listened to her.”

“Maliyah everyone is looking for you. Even the elves signed a treaty today and are out scouring all realms. I will let them know where you are at. I promise, we will find you.”

“I have to go, they’re coming. I love you. Tell everyone I love them.”

“I love you too.” And just like that she’s gone. Tears running down my face. I can’t feel the connection anymore.

“Mom! Dad!” I rush to my parents room and bang on the door. Dad answers.

“Maliyah it’s late.” Dad sees the tears in my eyes and goes on alert. “What is wrong?”

“I got through to Malayah. I know where she is!”

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