
21 | Shock and Potential Killer

Phoebe’s POV

My blood runs cold after reading the text and it feels like someone injected ice cold water inside my veins. Even after being wrapped inside the warmth of the thick comforter, my body shivers with fear.

Oh my God, it can’t be!

My mind goes into over-drive as it starts creating logical explanations for Blaze receiving such a morbid text. From the looks of it, it doesn’t seem like Blaze ordered some guy named ‘Scott’ to kill his irritating dog.

For fuck’s sake, he doesn’t even have a dog! What the fuck are you thinking, Pheebs?

I shake my head as ideas like Blaze being some underworld mob boss circles inside my head.

That might explain why he’s so filthy rich!

But honestly, the possibility of that seems highly unlikely. Then again, what the fuck do I know about this man? We’ve hardly known each other for five months for crying

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