

Our tongues clashed in a fierce battle for dominance. Isabelle never backed down from a challenge, matching my intensity every step of the way. Her fingers entwined in my hair, pulling me closer, sending a jolt of desire through me. As the key slipped from my grasp, I scooped her up and carried her towards the bed.

The intoxicating influence of the black moon lingered, and even though I knew she couldn't resist, I couldn't hold back. I needed her now, in this moment.

She released her hold on me, swiftly unbuttoning my jeans, setting me free. A deep groan escaped my lips as her slender hands encircled my throbbing arousal.

Damn, she felt incredible.

Her thighs remained locked around me, her urgency evident as she guided me to her dripping core. She teased me, rubbing the swollen head of my cock against her slick entrance, and I nearly lost my mind. With a groan, I broke free from her lips.

"You little tease."

"Not just your little tease, but alpha tease to you now," she taunted, her la
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