
Chapter 3

Esther’s POV

My flight was fifteen hours long with one stop on the way, I don’t sleep very often but I was ready to crash after this day. I wasn’t able to sleep on the plane, but I was really looking forward to my hotel bed. I arranged for an Uber to bring me to my hotel and a service to bring Elizabeth’s remains to a storage facility until I was ready to deliver them to her father. Rome held many memories for me, several of them were happy but in contrast some of my darkest memories stemmed from this city as well.

In my younger years I played with some dark magic here, the kind of magic that threatened to claim my very soul, it was without a doubt the lowest point in all my existence. I am sad to say I fell into it as a rebound or distraction from my heart breaking, because of the very man I was going to see. When I first met Dimitri, I fell head over heels for him and I thought he felt the same, over time I realized I would never hold his heart the same way that he held mine.

Now lo
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