
Chapter Forty Seven: If I was bold enough I would have asked.

I don't know how long we stood there staring deeply into each others eyes like the whole world had faded into nothing but a blur, it was crazy how we got entirely lost in each others eyes. For someone looking from the outside it must have looked like something obscene, to be so caught up in a bubble that was somewhere in our orbs.

I heard someone clear their throat loudly, I didn't have to look back to know who it was but it was enough to break us out from our trance. I stepped back immediately, blinking furiously because I felt a bit hypnotised from all the staring, what was it that drew me to this man? What did I see In his eyes that made me want to keep looking? I really don't know.

I should have been on my feet, I should have been running from all the horrific stories I have heard, but somehow I was pulled in to him without any struggle on my end. It was wrong on every side, I knew, especially for someone who wasn't my mate.

I suddenly didn't know what to do with my self, I shuf
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