
Chapter 15

When I come home that night, I'm surprised to find both Anthony and Sebastian at the dining table. I sit beside Seb, opposite to Anthony. 

"Hey guys."

They both grunt in response. Okay then. 

Julia brings out two plates of lamb chops and sets them in front of the men. She goes back into the kitchen and gets me a plate of chicken parm.

"Thanks Julia." She had asked me if there was anything I don't eat and I told her it was red meat. 

I dig in and catch Sebastian looking at me. I remember the comment he made the first time about how much I ate, during our wedding lunch. 

I put my utensils to the side. 

Anthony looks at me questioningly. 

"I'm full right now." It's a lie, because I don't want anyone digging deep into the matter. 

"Julia, could you put this in the fridge?"

"You no like?"

"I love it. I'm just full today. Must be because of the cheese."

She nods and takes away my plate. I see Anthony pressing his shoulder with a wince and I notice Sebastian does too. He doesn't offer to help though. Just clenches his teeth and looks away. 

I excuse myself from the table and go to change into my pyjamas. Sebastian comes in a few minutes later and I contemplate whether I should tell him about Adeline or not. I decide not to  at the last second because he'd probably be upset at the thought of her getting married. 

I go to move out of the room, but Sebastian's voice halts me. 

"How was your day?" Surprised that he asked me for the first time, I tell him about my day and he does the same.

By the time he falls asleep, I go out of the room and down the stairs to Anthony's room. I knock and he tells me to come in. 

His room smells just like him. A king sized bed is pushed back against the wall and soft black sheets cover the bed. 

But, Anthony sits on a recliner, working on his laptop. 

"Hey." I greet and go to stand behind him. 

He cranes his neck to look at me. 

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to give you a shoulder massage."

"I'm fine Charlotte. Go back to bed." But, he's not fine. I see the constant straightening and slouching of his shoulders. 

"I'm not sleepy."

"Go do something with Sebastian then."

I ignore his sentence and press my fingers into his shoulders, starting to work out the kinks there. 

He groans and the sound shouldn't be as sexy as it is. After a few more minutes, his head lolls back on the headrest of the recliner and he stares at me. 

I look at his firm pink lips framed by his stubble. His brows are scrunched into concentration. Can he sense my arousal? No, that's ridiculous. 

"Good night Tony." I whisper and get out of his room, closing the door behind me. I lean back against the closed door for a few seconds, trying to calm my heart. 

After my heart returns to its normal rhythm, I push off the door and go to my own room. Sebastian is still asleep and I unhook my bra and settle on the couch. 

My eyes close and all I see behind them is a Crosswalk. One who I have no business dreaming about. 


Sebastian :

The watch my father bought me as a wedding gift only seems to listen to Charlotte. How fitting. 

The first time she clasped it, I managed to close a deal I've been trying to from the past few months. Every time she clasps it, something excellent happens at the office. Increased share prices, more clients, greater demand. 

I'm not a superstitious guy, but it would be foolish to write them off as coincidences. Every time she clasps my watch, it brings me good luck. I've tried it with Adeline, but it's not the same as when Charlotte does it. 

Honestly, Charlotte has proven herself to be trustworthy and she isn't so bad. But, I'm not going to be cozying up to her. However, the time we spend recounting the days' events is like a breath of fresh air, when all Addy does is bitch about something every time. I mean, I love the woman, but it would be nice if she stopped complaining for once in her life. 

Recently, her new favorite past time is bad mouthing Charlotte. I honestly don't understand why. She's not even an obstacle. In fact, she's been covering my tracks with my father every time I go to see Addy. She never bitches about anything and she's way too nice to me. Nicer than I deserve with the way I've been treating her. 

When she didn't eat last night, I felt a smidge of guilt, but I'd immediately quashed it. I don't owe her anything. I shake her awake to clasp my watch and my gaze strays to her breasts. I quickly look away as soon as she jolts awake. Fuck. 

Her fingers graze my skin to clasp my watch and I yank my hand away as soon as she does. 

"Try not to touch me next time, yeah?"

She looks at me with furrowed brows. 


She gets off the couch and goes into the bathroom. For once, I'm not late and I could have clasped the watch myself instead of being a dick to her. 

When she comes out, I can see that she's surprised to find me still here. 

"Sebastian, you're still here."

I nod. 

"Alright. Did you need something from me?"

I shake my head. 

"Okay, well I'm going to shower."

She goes into the bathroom again and I remember how she brought Syrniki the first time she clasped my watch. I was with Adeline at the time, but Linda informed me of Charlotte's visit. I was surprised that she brought it herself. Usually, Gerero does it, but ever since then, Charlotte's the one who's been bringing breakfast. 

I go downstairs and for the first time in a long time, I eat breakfast with my father. Our conversation is just about business and a few minutes later, Charlotte comes rushing into the kitchen to get a glass of water. 

"Have a nice day guys."

Before she can leave, my father stops her. 

"What about breakfast?"

"I really have to go Anthony. I have a meeting with my client."

Her face flushes when we both stare at her. Me and my father both know her 'client' is most definitely some guy. 

The thought stirs something in my gut. I shove the feeling away. Good for her. It's only fair if she gets as much action as I do. 

My father nods and she rushes away. 

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