

In very explicit words I told Danny how much of a shit plan that was, since I could not stand the guy long enough to even miss him, but she gave me an encouraging pat on the back when the guy appeared with towering trays of food, signifying the conversation had ended.

“Wow, all of this for her? Where do you expect her to fit it?” Tim asked,

Danny snorts the same time Victor chuckles,

“She runs so she burns all of it pretty quickly, I should go start on another batch.”

“No, this is enough food for all of us Victor, including you, if you haven’t had breakfast that is.” I tell him when I see Danny giving me the stink eye, she gives me a subtle thumbs up when I was done.

“I haven’t.” Victor says blushing as he sits with us at the table, I felt bad for doing this, and very strangely, I was feeling bad towards Aryan, and not Victor, what does that mean? I turn to ask Danny, but she was talking with Tim.

“Here, I made waffles, you always liked your food to have a bit of design.” Victor
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