

You know how movies have thought us that asking, how hard can it be? Was a terrible idea and those who still say it were definitely going to regret asking it. I should have learned from that, I foolishly asked,

“How hard can it be?” After agreeing to be his assistant.

He smirked after I asked the question, of course he did, he knew the work was something I was not cut out to do.

“What is next on my schedule?” He asked me as I look up from organizing the work sheet. These people still use papers, type writers and fax machines, and lord knows I won’t be going close to either of them.

“First, allow me go home to pick up my laptop, I haven’t used a pen and paper in so long I have forgotten hoe to, besides, with my laptop, I will be done in no time.”

The papers on his desk were the ones that took me ages to finish, I had to sort through and arrange them in neat piles, and there were some dating back to eight months ago.

“There is no time for that, we have to leave now if we want to g
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