
#Chapter 41: Standing Up to the Luna

I'm at the Alpha's mansion bright and early the next day – a bit earlier than usual, in fact, because I want to review my notes before our physical. I wave to Roger on my way in the door, who gives me a cheerful but guarded wave back.

He's still nervous, obviously, and I can't blame him. I haven't yet figured out what to do about Charles and Charis, but I'll need to think of something soon. Kent is looking into it, he says, which I appreciate. But we can't linger too long.

I'm wondering if I'll need to step in and do something myself, if Kent can't come up with a plan in time. I hope not – I rely on Kent and the gang to keep me safe, at least for now. I don't want to piss him off, or betray him, or make him think I'm not on his side.

I am on his side. I just have to be on Charis's side, too, because it seems like I'm the only one looking out for her. Charles's father has clearly lied to her about everything that's gone down, and Charles himself is now plotting her murder.

My own famil
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