

Micheala, older than both Oliver and me, was fully committed to her job. She possessed an unwavering belief in the power of determination.

"I'll support you with it, Julianna. You're an excellent guard, and I'm convinced you'd make a great instructor. I keep suggesting that you take the instructor's course to work with the teenagers who attend lifeguarding."

"But I enjoy teaching the little ones," I murmured.

"They're adorable, no doubt. However, I think you're ready for the next step because I believe you'll excel at it," she encouraged, and I let out a sigh.

"Alright," I shrugged. It was time to stop letting fear hold me back.

"Okay, now head home and get some rest. See you when you return," she smiled, and I nodded, picking up my bag and leaving the pool. I waved at Oliver, who was headed in the opposite direction, and began my walk back.

Walking home at night like this was a new experience for me. The well-lit path was bustling with other students. I pulled out my headphones, put them on, and started playing some music. I knew it wasn't the safest choice to walk with music on at night, but I needed it.

Lost in thought, I suddenly heard heavy footsteps behind me. A chill ran down my spine, and when the person approached, I decided to act.

As soon as I felt the hand on my shoulder, I swiftly turned around. It was terrifying. I was face to face with a man in a black t-shirt, and I contemplated knocking his hand away and defending myself.

"Back off!" I screamed, and he responded in kind.

"Julianna, damn it!" he yelled back, and as my anger began to subside, I raised an eyebrow. Despite the darkness, I recognized Kent.

"Kent?" I removed my headphones and inquired, my chest rising and falling rapidly. "What was that all about? Are you trying to scare me?"

He licked one of his teeth, giving the impression that I might have hurt him slightly with my foot.

"It's not safe for you to walk around with headphones on at night," he muttered through clenched teeth, shaking his head as he straightened up.

"I don't think I need safety tips," I retorted. He sighed, and I shrugged.

"You've got quite the stomp," he remarked, deciding to move ahead and placing his hand on my shoulder, pulling me along. As soon as I felt his fingers pressing through my sweater, I tensed up.

I hadn't seen him in ages, unless we crossed paths in the hallway. And now he wanted to touch me? I thought he didn't like me. Nerves dried my mouth, so I mustered the courage to clear my throat.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, and he sighed.

"I'm just walking you home," he replied curtly. I rolled my eyes at his brief response. "Why are you still out at this hour?"

"Are you my mother?" I retorted, irritated by his tone. "I can go out at night, and I don't need a babysitter."

"For heaven's sake, Julianna, just walk," he interrupted me while I was speaking, and I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Well, why are you out so late then?" I asked, frustration rising as I didn't appreciate this strange, protective behavior. It reminded me of how my parents used to pick me up after high school parties. They were mad and worried but still cared.

"I was out for a run," I rolled my eyes as he shrugged. We reached a corner and needed to turn. Before I could even take a step, he firmly placed his hand on my shoulder and directed me in the right direction.

"I know the way home, so you can stop worrying," I asserted firmly. "And I'm not the only sweaty one around here," I muttered, but he kept his hand on my shoulder, holding it tightly.

"Where did you want to head to?" He inquires with a softer tone, a departure from his usual manner of speaking to me.

"I didn't have any particular destination in mind," I reply with a shake of my head, letting out a sigh. "I was just heading back to my house."

"Back home," he repeats, and I nod, a bit perplexed by his sudden interest in my plans.

"I work at the Coleman pool," I explain. "I've been there all afternoon. Why do you seem so puzzled?"

"I didn't know where you worked at all," he shrugs. "When you mentioned 'somewhere on campus,' I assumed it was something like the bookstore or another place close to the housing area and other students."

"Kent, you do realize there are students everywhere on campus, right?" My heart sinks a little as I spot our house. He hasn't spoken to me this much since we met, and even though it's in a somewhat aggressive manner, it's a change.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean one of them can't be dangerous," he insists.

"You were the only one who caught my attention," I admit, still wondering why he's gripping my shoulder so tightly now.

"I just wanted to catch up," he mumbles. "I don't like the idea of you walking alone at night." I raise an eyebrow when I look up at him. He clears his throat immediately. What's the point? Is he genuinely concerned about my safety? "Well, you know, just like any girl."

"I'm stronger than you give me credit for," I remind him, and he releases his grip on my shoulder. "I managed to get you to leave me alone."

"Well, that really took me by surprise," he defends himself. "I didn't think you were the type to stand your ground."

"You're fortunate I don't carry pepper spray," I mutter.

"It's just my toes that hurt because I'm trying to do the right thing," he replies, and I narrow my eyes at him. I shouldn't push my luck with him, but my thoughts are already racing in my head, and I can't hold them back.

"Why bother trying to do the right thing when you haven't spoken to me in three days?" I ask in a hushed tone, feeling my anger resurface. "Besides, I had no trouble walking home."

"Okay, I'm sorry for looking out for you," he says, his tone dripping with sarcasm. I roll my eyes and distance myself from him.

"It doesn't matter that you were concerned about my safety getting home," I shrug. "Whatever." I sigh and shake my head, trying to put some distance between us.

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