
Chapter 13 - Speaking to her brothers and father...

Chapter 13 – Speaking to her father and brothers.

Anastasia Beaton


Today it’s seems as though had I woken up on the good side of the bed. I woke up with no nausea, my stomach didn’t feel like I needed to be plastered on the toilet, so I called my father and brothers asking them to meet me at my childhood home. I was going to break the news to them about my pregnancy and impending engagement.

I didn’t know how they were going to take it, Axel’s telling his brother’s today, we’ve decided to wait to tell his parents until we go to the hospital and figure out what to tell them. Though he promised we’d act in love when he meets my father and brothers. That was the only reason I was currently sitting in my car outside my childhood home.

I swallow the lump in my throat. I haven’t been here since my mom passed. I would meet my father at the restaurant not far from here, or we’d meet at my place or one of my brothers’ place. This place brings back too many memories of my mother. Right here
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