
Chapter Forty Nine


Alice opened her eyes and yawned sleepily,she turned and didn’t see Kingston beside her. She sat up,she was still na-ked. She put on Kingston’s shirt and stood up,,he’s not in the room either.

She walked out and went to her room

“Alice,,you’re here” Odette smiled as soon as she entered

“Odette,,how are you feeling now?” Alice asked

“Perfectly okay” Odette said

“Where are the girls?” Alice asked

“They went out just now” Odette replied

Alice nodded and walked into the dressing room,she took off the shirt and entered the bathroom.

She had her bath and dressed up,she returned to the room.

“Alice guess what” Odette said and joined Alice on her be-d

“I can’t but I think its something good” Alice said

“br@n and I,,ki-ssed” Odette said and Alice g@sped immediately


Odette blushed

“I thought it’s going to be Seth,,gosh” Alice covered her mouth with her palm

“I like br@n,,and I Think Seth gave up too,,I’m glad anyway” Odette said


“So,,Did you finally finish that spiri
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