
Chapter 46

“We have much to be thankful for this year,” intoned Blakeney at the head of the small table. At the center of attention was a magnificent roast turkey. On all sides were traditional Thanksgiving dishes: mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, candied yams, cranberries in a jellied sauce, and buttery crescent rolls. The scents filled his nostrils and uplifted his spirits.

“So much has changed,” He continued with a warm smile. “We have new family, new friends, and . . . new purpose. Despite all that life brings against us, we will have each other. Always.”

Blakeney turned his dark-gray eyes on James. “A son in everything but a name.” Then, he swiveled them onto Adonis and spoke kindly. “And a student, a friend, whom I am proud to know and of course whom I’ll expect free tickets from when your movies are up on the silver screen.”

Blakeney chuckled as Adonis blushed shyly. “I guess what I’m saying is, it’s not blood that makes a family, but this . . . right here,” he waved around the
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