

Seph’s POV:

The room was so bright that my eyes hurt from it. Exhaustion lay deep on my body but so did the heavy unknown weight on my body too. I was held by strong arms from behind. Muscles kept me caged in place. It was not too hot but it sure felt comfy. I was laying on something soft and an equally fluffy thing was draped over me.

Suddenly A phone went off behind me and the weight lifted from me. I felt emptiness but I was too groggy and tired to even move. A name was said in a threatening tone “Jace”

My foot throbbed with a dull ache and I closed my eyes willing the pain to go away. A moment later a knock on the door came. I couldn’t see who it was because I facing the other way from the door towards the large window.

Feet shuffled and the door was opened because the question was asked by the intruder. “Ti?” the sleepy yet angry and irritated voice asked. (What?)

I kept my attention on the talk to see what is the fuss about. Even though something kept pulling me under I tried my
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