

Emma POV

My head was hurting badly - excruciating pain and a pounding feeling. Opening my eyes slowly, I am met with glaring lights and the smell of disinfectants. I heard a beeping and turned around, only to realize I was connected to a medical device, monitoring my vitals. I must be in a hospital, I thought to myself. My eyes were adjusting to the light, and I slowly looked around a expansive white room with bright lights, my head still throbbing. I was also super thirsty, and I looked around trying to see if there was water anywhere around. Instead, I am met with a pair of gorgeous blue eyes. A petite woman with beautiful blue eyes was sitting by my bed looking at me attentively.

“Miss Emma, thank the Gods!!!!! You are awake!!!!” she said cheerfully. Her bright smile and bubbly energy are almost too much. I nodded, unable and unwilling to match her enthusiasm. I was in so much pain and very confused. “Where am I???? Also, could I get some water please???I am super thirsty!” I cro
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