
Chapter 3


As I stood there, trying my best to maintain composure despite the hurtful comments, Alpha Rodriguez stepped forward, his expression stern. “Enough!” he commanded, and his voice held an authority that silenced his sons instantly. “This is not how we treat our guests, especially one under my protection. I won't tolerate any disrespectful behavior towards her.”

The five Alpha males looked taken aback by their father's stern tone. They exchanged glances, seemingly surprised by his reaction. The one who seemed eager to take advantage of me looked especially disappointed by the turn of events.

Alpha Rodriguez turned towards me, his gaze softening. “I apologize for their behavior,” he said. “My sons can be rough around the edges, but they mean no real harm. I will make sure they treat you with the respect you deserve.”

I nodded, appreciating his intervention, though the uncertainty about what awaited me in this household remained. The Alpha's sons, now more subdued, stepped forward, albeit cautiously.

One of them, a tall and imposing figure with piercing blue eyes, spoke up, “I'm Nate, the eldest among my siblings.” He extended his hand in a gesture of apology. “I'm sorry for our earlier behavior. Welcome to our home.”

Another, a slightly shorter one with a mop of dark hair and looks more like the eldest, introduced himself as Tiger. “I'm sorry too,” he said, though his expression was still reserved. But that is a start, right? At least he apologized, right?

The next one who said he was Damon resembled neither of them, and the last two, who looked strikingly similar, introduced themselves as Richmond and Duke.

“I'm Precious,” I replied, shaking their hands. “It's alright. I understand that we are all adjusting to this situation.” Sparks flew into my body the moment my body made contact with them, and my heart pounded rapidly, seeming as though it was going to rip apart.

Alpha Rodriguez smiled, seemingly pleased with the progress. “Precious will be staying with us, and I expect each one of you to show her around and help her feel comfortable.”

“But, Father,” Nate interjected, “Do we really need another person in this house? We have enough responsibilities already.” His tone was pitched with a hint of fury, and I felt a flush of pain wash over me due to his rejection.

“Nate is right,” Tiger chimed in. “We have enough help around, and she seems like she won't be of much use.”

Even as I didn't want to admit it, his words struck my heart, sending chills of pain in my heart.

Alpha Rodriguez's expression hardened, and he spoke with authority, “I won't entertain any further discussions on this matter. Precious stays, and that's final. Consider it a decision made by me as your Alpha.”

The Alpha's sons glanced at each other, unable to challenge their father's decision further. Reluctantly, they nodded in agreement.

“I expect you all to treat her with respect,” Alpha Rodriguez added, “and that includes you, Richmond. No inappropriate behavior.”

Richmond pouted playfully, “You're no fun, Father.”

Alpha Rodriguez just raised an eyebrow, and Richmond relented with a chuckle.

After he left, all five brothers surrounded me, and I shivered in fear. Their angry gazes were making me weak, except for Duke, whose eyes had been filled with lust since the moment they landed on me. I started to feel excitement as their burning gazes stirred something to life in my nether region, and wetness pooled in my panties.

“I want to make something very clear to you. You are a slave and you can never be one of us. I don't know whatever you used on our father, but I'm here to let you know that my brothers and I would neutralize it.” Nate growled, a vein popping out of his forehead, and I shook my head. What did he think of himself by accusing me of being a witch when I was just a weak human without a wolf?

“He's right, so you better behave yourself, or we will kick you back to where you come from,” Richmond uttered reproachfully, as he looked me up and down.

“But I didn't ask your father to buy me, so I don't see any reason why you should accuse me,” I said, feeling the need to defend myself. “So if you have any problem having me here, go discuss it with your father and leave me the hell alone.”

“I see you have guts,” it was Tiger who spoke. His cat-like eyes glittered as they looked at the piece of jewelry on my neck. It was an antique Emily gifted me after she and her family returned from touring Great Britain. It was said that the antique cost more than 400,000 bucks and it was indeed the real one. I was familiar with many different ornaments and antiques, so no one could cheat me because it was my area of expertise.

“Look, she's wearing a fake blood jade. What other things about you are fake?” he mocked, contempt evident in his eyes, and his other brothers ended up laughing, except for Duke, who had a frown on his face. Taking a glance at the guards, I found them staring at me like I was some invaluable product left for the peasants.

“Because if it was of any value, your former slave masters would have known,” Richmond jeered.

I was on the verge of tears by now. I couldn't take it anymore. It was so sad that I had to remember who gifted it to me, and more so was the fact that they accused me of wearing a fake product.

Duke pushed his brothers away from me and stood before me and picked up the jewelry in his hands. His eyes were focused on the antique, and he soon smiled and raised it up for his brothers to see. “Ignorant Alpha fools. This is a real jewel. You could tell by looking at it well.”

Nate, Tiger, Damon, and Richmond snorted before heading inside, leaving Duke and me alone. I was grateful to him for being so kind, and I felt my tummy flip as the day's anxiety rushed over me.

He held my gaze, then his eyes slowly traveled to my mouth, lingering there with an intensity that made me swallow hard. My legs felt like jelly, and my excitement was palpable. I couldn't fathom what was happening to me - just his gaze on my mouth had me behaving like this. The thought of him kissing me was almost too much to bear; I was certain he'd be a skilled kisser, with lips that looked so sculpted and inviting.

As if he could read my thoughts, he chuckled, “Welcome to the family, prishy baby.” He closed the remaining distance between us, his eyes never leaving mine, before placing a gentle, dry kiss on my temple. With that, he turned and disappeared into the night, leaving me breathless. My knees buckled uncontrollably, and I had to pinch myself to keep from collapsing. I knew I wanted more of him - and his enigmatic brothers. There was something intriguing about them, something that drew me in like a moth to a flame.

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