
Book 2 Chapter 8

Thump Thump Thump. A figure walked grudgingly through the doorway making it's way towards the bar counter. With each step everyone's eyes followed each movement. Horrified yet unwilling to look away. 

"What exactly are we looking at?" Asked one horrified Knight.

"By the gods this country is truly cruel."

"I officially miss home."

"I think I may have had enough to drink." Grumbled one Knight looking back and forth between his drink and the person of question trudging through the bar.

"No lad., We're all seeing the same thing. If anything I'd say we need more to drink."

Both men raised their mugs drinking like it was some sweet nectar they'd discovered after being trapped in the desert for days trying their best to drown out the sight in front of them. 'Maybe if I drink enough I won't remember.' 

"Mrrrg. Furgdurglers." It was Heinrich muttering incoherently. 

'I think his final marble must have dropped out of the b

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