
XXXV: The Big Step

Najmah woke up alone, squinting at the bright lights that bathed the room, blinking rapidly to restore her blurred vision. She shifted in the bed, pressing a finger to her temple as she felt the tension begin to build.

She and Aslan had stayed up late the other day, watching TV while making plans for their future. It was after fajr salah that they had gotten ready to sleep.

As she sat up in bed, her gaze settled on Aslan who was leaning against the dresser, fully clothed.

"What time is it?" she uttered hoarsely, her palm going over her temple again.

"Quarter to noon," he responded, easing down onto the edge of the bed.

"You feeling okay to go out?" he placed a hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. A frown marred his features when he felt the hotness on her skin.

"Where to?" she threw her legs off the bed, standing on wobbly legs.

"It's a surp

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