
Chapter 11

Third pov

It's been over five days since the alpha princes had their mate in their arms,and three days since they saw her, they were ashame of their past actions, they knew the curse they had on them. A brutal curse that state that only one of them will be mated to her.

Their past actions had really rub off, they taught by treating her bad they would prove to the moon goddess that they didn't want a mate, they knew deep in their heart that they were wrong, the were close to insanity for being staying so long without a mate and just when they taught that all hope was gone, she walked into their life. She was the most beautiful wolf they have ever seen and they fell for her immediately but the fear of the curse kept them far away from her.

When they had saw her their first instinct was to lock her away as to forget her, but their heart couldn't contained their mate being locked off as they told Vera about the current situation and she promised to look after her while they watch from a distance.

But such promise could not be kept as they already found them selves craving for her as the hours went by. With her their ruthlessness nature perished.

Every morning they woke up from a wet dream of making out with their mate. The pass few days as been tough for them as they were give a task by their father to carry out, which took them outside their pack.

The returned of on fifth day, as they walk into the throne room. Where their father held his meeting with his second and third in command.

"Your Majesty" they said as the bow to the alpha king on his thone.

"That was handle fast, though I expected it to be sooner, pls tell me you dealt with the threat" Nico said as he gaza at his sons waiting for answer.

"Yes we handle the situation,the rogues as been taught a lesson and we wouldn't be expecting to see them soon " Mario said

"What do you mean, we wouldn't be expecting to see them soon," the king inquired

" The rouge leader wasn't at the strong hold we storm on, we interrogated one of the rogue we caught and we discovered he had left earlier on to launch an attack on the blood red pack " Marcel said

"What does that mean,why did you come back then if you failed to uproot the threat from the root," Nico stood up from his throne as he glared at his sons.

"We apologize, your Majesty we will hunt him down when he resurface again for now his trail had gown cold and is like he as disappeared from the surface of the earth,"Maverick hurriedy said as he tried to calm his father down through his words.

"What Is indeed important is that, he is six feet in the ground " Nico snapped back at his sons.

"Now there is something I would love to discuss with you, everyone excuse us I want to speak with my son's," he said as the betas and gammers and everyone who was present walks out of the room, when it appeared that he alone remain with his sons he walks down the stairs of the throne room when he reaches the last step she stopped.

"I am taking another wife", he said as his gaze burns intensely at his sons who looked at him with growing anger.

"So why are telling us father,you didn't seems to Honor your mate when she was alive now your taking another mate for your self," Marcel spat at him

"It's barley been four years since our mother died and your taking another woman, this is just….." he says as he was interrupted by Nico

"Enough,I have heard enough" he said with his alpha voice which forces the triplet to bow slightly exposing their neck, which is a sign of submission.

"As far as am still king, you will watch your tone when you address me or they Will be consequences which you will face, princes or not " he spat as he turned and walkout the door.

"I can't believe he just made up summit to him" Mario said as he lifts his knees off the ground followed by his brothers as they left the throne room to get to their wing.

They crave the attention,love and everything their mate have to offer as they decided to come with terms with the moon goddess and accept her as their mate finally, they wanted to be loved only by her and gain her trust.

As the walked into the west wing on the palace they turn to a guard.

"You there, call me the head maid , tell her I want to speak with her immediately" Marcel said as they walked into their office. Few minutes later vera had walked into the room.

"You got me worried, am so glad you came back in one piece", she said as she walk up to them to give them each a hug.

"What do you want me to do for you ,is it a hot meal…I hope your okay and your didn't get hurt I wou……" she rampled as she was cut shut my Maverick.

"Oh vera,you don't have to do anything,we need a favor from you" he said as he smiled down at her.

"We want you to set up a dinner For our mate in the dining, dress her up and send her down to us before nightfall" Mason said

"No I wouldn't let you torture that poor girl anymore, you have done her more harm than good, now you have come back with another plot." She cried out, if possible one could see smokes coming out from her ear to show how pissed off she was.

At this the princes faces were filled with guilt, as memories for how scared they made her and frighten she looked the last time they met came into their mind at this their wolf whines for the forgiveness of their mate. They regretted their account and would do anything to seek the forgiveness of their mate.

"We are sorry for our behavior,that is why we want to meet her for her forgiveness, we understand if…" Marcel said as he was interrupted by vera.

"That was what you said they last time, you promised to leave the poor girl alone yet, you tried to tape her if I haven't come into that room, you would had damage your chances with her, have you learnt through your pass," she snaps as she point and throws her hands in the air.

"We have accepted the bond,you can be there when we meet her if your trust is low on us" he said as lifts her hand in his.

The princes treated treated vera as their mother because she raise them,and she had train them through childhood and adolescent, though they tried to make her quit but she is stubborn and enjoy her work so they let her be.

" Good then, I'll be there when you meet her to avoid any of you misbehaving " she says as she turns and walks out of the office in attempt to prepare Marianne.

She heads towards the servant quarters to called Marianne , she knocks gently as the door was open by Juliet.

"Juliet, where is Marianne?" She asked

"I haven't seen her since I left the room in the morning I think She haven't returned from the market" she said

"Market? What market? I didn't permit her to leave the palace" Chef said as her brows furrowed in confusion

"Oh she escorted the head chef to the market earier today " Juliet continues with a hint of worry in her tune.

"How would she had known the chef was due to his monthly visit for the month, when she was only here for five days" vera said as narrows her eyes at vera suspiciously.

"I don't know miss vera, maybe she heard it from the other maids" Juliet lied as she keep her gaze low.

"You have a lot of explaining to do young lady" Vera snapped.

At this the head maid headed to the kitchen in search of the head chef, she later found him giving out orders to the junior staff. She walked up to him. And asked him about Marianne.

"That damn maid,who I took to assist me in the market, completely vanished," the chef said angrily.

" What do you mean she vanished" vera screamed angrily.

The chef blinks at her reaction as he didn't think she would react this strongly over a maid. The chef took his time to explain how she had approached him earlier today and told him that vera had order her to be an assistant and how he took her to the market and he happened to search for her but couldn't find her.

"Why are you being worked up over an omega" he said back at her.

"But that omega as of now holds your life in her hands" she says as she headed to inform the princes.

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