
37. A wedding gift in Newark


I was cleaning my apartment after returning from my vacation in Istanbul. After spending New Year's Eve with Dimitri, I stayed with my parents for another week before returning to Newark. I picked up the egg Dimitri had given me, sighing at the memory of the exact moment I had won it, at least before that woman ruined everything.

I sighed, placing it on the nightstand next to my bed. A notification came on my cell phone, distracting me for a moment.

"You need to come here now"

That's what Abby's message said. With a frown I stood up, she was supposed to be busy with Noah moving into her loft. Her wedding would be in two weeks, but since his lease would expire before then, they thought it best to move the move ahead.

"Is there a problem?"

"I got my first wedding present, get ready and come see!"

I smiled at her excitement, wondering if I would ever feel that way. Lately I had been ignoring all the negative feelings about my relationship with Dimitri, I could afford to ju
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