
chapter 51 Shade's Prisioner

Chapter 51 Shades Prisoner

Deep in the pits of the underworld, Raven slowly wakes up in unfamiliar settings, she struggles to see her eyes barely open. she hears deep breathing and she freezes. then it hits her the horrid stench of Shade Marcus.

Shade's eyes gleamed with malevolence as he gazed at Raven, her pale naked body, illuminated by the dim light in the underworld lair. (He had intercepted her on her way to get groceries, snatching her from the limo screaming and fighting him, as he dragged her down to his lair through a portal he had created.)

"Ah, Raven," he whispered, his voice dripping with sinister sexual intent. "You're even more exquisite now, than before. The transformation suits you, my love."

Raven's eyes flashed with defiance, despite her fear. "You fucking monster," she spat. "What have you done to me?"

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and chains materialized, binding Raven to the stone wall. She struggled against them, but they held fast.

Shade chuckled, his
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