
Reiner - The Second Ritual

“I’m fine…thanks…” I mumbled, suddenly feeling very shy.

“Alright. Let me explain what we have to do,” the old man said quite loudly to get our attention.

He stood behind the podium and gestured with his hand for Reiner and me to stand in front of the podium facing him.

“When King came to this island and learnt of our people’s ways, he was very impressed with the devotion and commitment shown through the ceremony of our marriage vows and we are honored that our tradition was chosen to be incorporated into this island’s marriage ceremony,” Kuman said before smiling proudly.

I began to wonder how many people on this island had to go through what we were going through based on what King apparently thought was impressive and a good idea.

As if on cue, two young boys wearing white robes similar to the one that Kuman had on walked into the building. Each of them held a silver tray decorated with white flowers in their hands. They calmly approached the altar until the two of them stood in fr
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