



The moon beamed high above. The bright orb casts it blessing rays of  light down and with it I felt strength work its way through my being.

I limped back to my castle, the deep gash in my thigh was healing more slow than usual. I still felt the urge for gore and the need to rip through the Hunter wolfs throat. I was simply protecting my land. The Hunter was from the Emeral city, he was an intruder and in any light you saw it.

But there had been someone else, a girl. It was her scream that had made me shift. Her voice penetrated the air like a lance, it was like she was calling out to me. I had never felt the urge to protect someone that badly.

When my eyes discerned the Hunter wolf I suddenly had a lust for blood. He was going to kill her if I had not intervened. He was going to kill the girl that could command the Alpha.

But she was already gone before the Hunter retreated. The only thing I was able to salvage was a turn piece of the dress she wore, with it carried her scent. The same scent that made me feel like my bones were melting to jelly and that made a thousand butterflies spawn in the depths of my soul.

Who was this stranger? Why did I suddenly feel like I had to find her? I had fallen  in love with her, whoever she was I knew I needed to find her. My soul now yearned for someone, the girl was to be my mate.

If she was being hunted, then she was probably a stray. Stray wolves are wolves that had been abandoned by their pack, either because their pack had been wiped out or because they had committed a crime and were labelled as a traitor. Whichever one it was I knew that if she was being tracked by Hunters then sending out a public search for her would only bring the wolves that Hunted her closer to their target. I need to find her in a way that wouldn’t attract much attention.

I could hire a tracker of my own, one that would stealthily find her and bring her to me. But why? Why was I hung over a girl I knew nothing about? Apart from the fact that her scent drove me to a paradise state or that her scream could instantly make me shift. But I already knew that answer, I had imprinted on her. I had marked her as my mate. My Luna, my Queen. That was the only way it would make any sense.

Once a wolf finds their mate, they become attached, soul bonded. It only felt right because this girl was the one I would have to be mated with.

I hear a familiar howl in the distance and soon enough I see my castle come into view.

The familiar how was from Amin. I had stepped out for just a moment and I was sure he had already sent out several teams of wolves to find their Alpha. As I neared, walking with a limp as I left a thick trail behind me, Amins large black head caught onto my scent.

Amin was an old and greyed man but his wolf was a brilliant black colour that suited with the colour of the night. Amin had been a fatherly figure to me, I had basically lived with him all my life and still looked up to him even now. There wasn’t any day I could survive without Amins constant jibes and hasty scolding.

The brilliant black wolf tramped towards me, throwing dirt and rocks at me as he skidded to a stop right in front of me and I couldn’t help but laugh at his worry.

I saw the look of disappointment come across his yellow pupils as he saw the deep wound on my thigh.

“I’ve had worse!” I said with a manner of confidence. If I was going to come back limping and beaten I might as well do it right.

His eyes moved to the white piece of cloth I had in my tight hand. I was sure his nose had already picked up the distinct scent of my Luna.

At twenty one I was already way above the age for marriage. According to the law an Alpha could not be crowned until he had chosen a Luna. Amin had hosted numerous parties and thrown a countless number of noble chicks at me. I appreciated his efforts but little did he know that I had taken no interest in the noble girls.

The gash in my thigh was deep but the pain was nothing I hadn’t endured. The rigorous training I had been out through in my years of preparations for the role of Alpha had left me more resistant to pain.

Amin raised his head and howled again, this time I hear several responses from great distances away, he must have been passing a call to the wolves he sent out to find and track me. I still held the piece of her dress in my right arm, I was careful not to get my blood on it so I don’t taint the scent. I needed to find my Luna before the Hunters found her first.


I paced around the vast castle. Maids stared at me but quickly shied away once my eyes dared to meet their. Amin kept a slower pace behind me, he had told me severally to rest because of my injury but the wound in my thigh was almost totally healed up now.

Amin was like a father to me. I had lost my parents when I was still a younger just about a year old. My mother died giving birth to me and my father died a few years after.

Frustrated I marched to my room, shutting the door behind me and I knew even Amin would not be able to calm me at this point.

I sat on my country sized bed holding my head in anger.

The door opened. It must have been Amin, no one else would have such audacity.

“When will he be here?!” I asked harshly. Amin eyed me from behind his crescent shaped glasses and I wondered if he had to get a new pair every time he shifted.

But from behind stepped out a rather appealing female. Lady Rosalie, the heir to the pack of Iron and sole daughter of her noble parents.

Her father had made a deal with mine when I was still suckling to marry her to me. But my father was dead so naturally the deal should have been called off.

“You have a visitor..!” Amin said before he exited, leaving us together.

“Lady Rosalie..?” I stood up, comporting myself and acting more surprised than I should have been. I had last seen her four months ago before she went on a voyage to a small town outside the kingdom for her family’s business, I hoped she would never return because of the loathing obsession she had for with me.

“Your grace…” she bowed lowly, exposing her cleavage and lingering in the bow long enough for me to stare.

“I didn’t know you were back from your travel…”

“Yes, but you didn’t care either. You didn’t send letters or mails to inquire about my. Whereabouts or safety… is that the kind of attitude I get from a man I should be marrying?”

I clenched my jaws, I had made it clear to her times over that I had no interest in choosing my Luna mate anytime soon yet she was always persistent.

I narrowed my golden pupils in her grey ones. “Well I have important business of my own… handling the kingdoms affairs and—”

“Oh don’t lie to me Lukkar!” She shrieked, I could see the brim of tears at the corners of her eyes, she was easily too emotionally but I never really cared about her tears or hurting.

“The kingdoms affairs are handled by the Beta board all you do is whore around and ignore my hundreds of mails!”

Her pale face was red now, her plum red lips in a haughty pout and tried to decipher which was more red between her hair and her cheeks.

She walked to me, I took a cautious step back as she pressed her lips to mine. Soft and tender her kiss lighted up my being but I pushed her away immediately. She was hurt.

“I get you want to whore but then why don’t you fuck me?” She asked and  I winced at the thought of sliding my cock slowly in and out of her pleasure hole. It would never happen!

“Look! I’m sorry I didn’t reply your letters this is no formal way for us to—”

“Who said anything about formal?” A coy smile played on her lips as she unzipped her dress and the expensive white silk dropped to her feet.

Her pink nipples bounced as she lets loose of the hold she had under her tits and I couldn’t help but stare at her beautiful naked body in lust. She cat walked to me, pushing me with a finger on the bed as she crossed on top of me.

She looked like a seductive angel. My cock hard in my mid.

“Fuck me Alpha!”

I kissed her hungrily, letting loose of the hold I had on myself as I turn her over. She moaned lightly as I grasp her tits in my hands squeeze tenderly.

I kiss her lips and she slipped her hands beneath the white shirt I wore feeling my muscular chest. She giggled as I took her nipples in my mouth and suckle slowly, using my tongue to caress around the hard bead.

“Yes…” her words were between moans and light giggles and she arched her back as her fingers fumbled for my belt.

She wrapped her legs around my torso and I kissed her deeply. This was the way it was, she’d leave for some months, come back and we’d make romance. But I always held myself before it got to sex.

I stopped, pushing away from her as I put on the buttons she had removed.

“It’s always like this with you!” She said angrily pulling the sheets over her chest and I ignored her. “What have I done wrong? Why won’t you accept me?!” She bellowed, tears brimming at the corners of her grey eyes.

The door opened and Amin stepped in. He looked at the naked maiden then to me. “As a matter of fact the regent Beta board of wolves request your presence immediately!” He said without regard.

I nodded to her before exiting with Amin and I was sure she would be glaring at my back. But as much as it hurt her, it hurt me too that she wouldn’t leave and was holding in to the prospect that we would have sex and be mated one of these days.

The regent Betas were a group of twelve wolves, they governed most of my kingdoms affairs until I would finally chose a Luna and be official crowned the king Alpha of the Lycan Kingdom.

The Betas had been my fathers advisers. Altogether they were thirty of them but with my fathers death they split up. Half talking my brothers claim and the other half taking mine while a few dropped the seats.

They had raised me in this castle.

I still has memories of my brother, the Alpha Emeral. I had not seen him in years but his stoned face and magnificent emerald green was still on the fore of my thoughts.

The day my brother left with his Betas and divided the kingdoms once more was the day I had lost the only family I had left.

I was eight when he left, he was sixteen and was supposed to rule this kingdom but he had blamed for the death of our mother and swore to be the cause of my death. I had never heard such words and to think that he would blame the death of our mother on me for being born.

My brother had laid claim over the Emeral kingdom, dividing his kingdom from mine and waging a series of conflicts until recent times when the treaty was signed.

I hated him.

The Betas sat around the large crescent table. A stone table that had been in this castle since the days of my great grand fathers.

“You called for my presence?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the oldest one that sat in front of me.

One could speak for all. “Alpha Lukkar, this kingdom has thrived on the shoulders of the Betas for long enough…”

Was he trying to say that I had not done anything to support my kingdom? A direct insult!

“What does that mean?!” I asked, my golden eyes narrowed into his sky blue pair. “I was the one who signed the peace treaty that has kept this kingdom away from war with—”

“War with your brother?” He cut me off.

Amin stood at my side, I could sense that even he was getting uncomfortable.

“My brother is a traitor!” I barked but he didn’t seem to care.

“I’m sure ‘your brother’ could say the same for you Alpha!” He said quelling and I felt defeated.

“The treaty was signed under the Betas name even if it took your signature it was still our counsel that administered it.”

“Secondly, the kingdom has not officially crowned you the ruling Alpha and your twenty second birthday is just two months from now! Coupled with the fact that you are yet to choose a Luna and you cannot be crowned without one !”

I felt attacked, he spoke for all and his words were like daggers.

Remembering the beautiful naked body of the girl I had encountered yesterday, I wished it was her in my bed instead of Rosalie ans my mind was invaded with vivid thoughts of my cock slowly sliding into her as she moaned my name while I kissed down her neck. “In fact, I have found a Luna!”

His eyes widened in curiosity. So far I had openly turned down all the other girls at the many parties that were held in this very castle.

“I had not known of this, we would like to meet our Queen to be at once!” He said and the Betas at his side nodded in agreement.

“She’s… she’s not available right now but I will bring her to you once she is.”

I saw the skeptic look he gave me as he stood, he had probably expected me to say it was Rosalie. Too bad for them.

He bowed briefly before walking towards the large entrance doors.

My heart was pounding like a drum. I had told the Betas that I had chosen a Luna when she was still not in my reach.

If I couldn’t make this work my kingdom would see me like a failure. The strength it took to be an Alpha could not be acquired alone. Every successful Alpha had a Luna by his side

Once they were gone I stood up, flipping the table over with ease and it hit the marble floor with a loud crack.

“My lord may I suggest to you reason—”

“No! Don’t tell me to calm down! She’s out there, she’s being hunted and could be taken at any time! I need to find her and I need to find her now!”

“If your search for a Luna has become this serious, there are many noble girls that would be glad to take their place by your side!”

“No!” I bellowed, a livid anger contorting my face. How could he say such a thing, the girls mere scent made me feel like I was living a pleasant dream. I had not told Amin that I had imprinted on her, only then would he understand how important she was to me.

“I imprinted on her!” I said, and I saw the genuine look of awe that came across his face.

“You fell in love with a girl you had just met and know nothing about!” His sentence was more of a statement than a question. If what he meant by fell in love was feeling a lusting urge to fuck her slender body, then yes. He was right.

“It’s not like I chose it Amin, she’s my mate! Her scream felt like a call, it moved me. I shifted without even thinking about it!”

Amin didn’t say anything but his silence only confirmed the fact that he was dumbfounded.

I was the Alpha, he knew that I could easily have chosen any beautiful noble girl but yet I had stayed without a mate for the past four years.

“And how do you intend to find this Luna?” He asked slowly.

“I got a piece of her dress when I saved her from the Hunter, with a good tracker he could find her and bring her to me unharmed.” I reasoned. “This is urgent Amin! She was being Hunted that means that they still could be wolves out there trying to collect the bounty in her head!”

Then he asked the one question I had been trying to avoid. “She’s a foreigner? From the Emeral Kingdom—your brothers kingdom!”

I stared at the upturned table, looking for the best answer to his question. I had imprinted on a foreigner, a stray at that.

“It doesn’t matter, now all that I need to do is—”

“My lord?” The tracker wore black overalls that covered to his face, leaving only his eyes to show.

I waved the guards that followed him off and they retreated to their posts.

I produced a piece of white cloth I salvaged from my encounter with her and handed it to the tracker. He took it, taking the cloth to his nose and sniffing on it.

“Can you find her?” I asked.

His voice was surprisingly lighter than I had expected. “The scent is faint, but I believe I could find her within a few days—”

“Make it sooner and I’ll make you the richest tracker in all of the kingdom!” The people trusted my words to be true.

His eyes widened with the prospect and riches and he bowed lowly saying, “I won’t fail you Alpha!”

“I know you won’t! Find her, protect her and bring her to me unharmed. She’s my Luna!”

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Longer chapters with interesting plots ...️
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