

“You look beautiful.” Paula said to her daughter with a proud smile, as they both stood in front of the mirror.

“You think so, mom?” Amy nervously asked, checking herself properly in the mirror to see if she missed anything.

“Look at me, sweetie.” Her mom held her in place.

“He’s going to be at loss for words when he sees you… Whoever he is.”

Amy laughed at her mom’s last statement, and it helped ease her nervousness a bit.

“Thanks mom. I promise I’ll reveal his identity when I’m ready.”

“I hope it won’t be when he breaks your heart.”


“I was only joking.”

Amy’s phone beeped, getting her attention.

“I guess that’s prince charming.” Paula said with a knowing smile. Amy nodded in reply while opening his text.

My chauffeur is almost there. I’m so sorry I couldn’t pick you up myself. I wish the circumstances were different. Can’t wait to see you.

Amy wore a sad smile after reading the text, but it’s okay. She consented to this, knowing fully well the challenges and consequences tha
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