
17. Jealous?

Emily’s POV

I was shocked! What just happened? Carl stood up holding his collar.

"How dare you?" And there the fight starts.

Both were punching each other, I tried to separate them but of course both are strong enough.

"Rigel leave him, Carl, guys stop for God's sake stop." I finally pushed them away. I pushed Rigel away.

"What the fuck you are doing Rigel?" I shouted at him.

"What the fuck I am doing? Ask him what he was going to do."

"What huh what he did?"

"Can't you see he was going to kiss you damn it."

"So what? Why are you having a problem?" Carl asked.

"You..." He was again going to punch him but I stopped.

"Rigel, come back to your senses! Why are you behaving so weird? Why are you having a problem with this?" I asked.

"Seriously? I am not having a problem you can kiss each other, or you can do sex as well if you are so interested in each other but... This house is mine, go find yourself a place." he said.

"Oh really but I guess this house is mine as well."

"No it i
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