

"Sebastian I need to talk to you" Adia announced immediately she came down from the stairs to the dining room, where Sebastian was having a cup of coffee.

"What's it that you wanna talk about?" He asked, dropping the cup silently and elegantly on the table.

"Where's Mickelson?" Adia asked without beating around the bush, right now she's so pissed, she confided in Monica who told her everything, Mickelson was not having any vacation, Sebastian locked him up,not only that he chopped off the fingers of all his employees claiming they let her get into trouble.

"Having a nice vacation" came his usual reply.

"Oh please don't lie to me I know what you did already" Adia snapped angrily.

"If you know already, then why go about asking pointless questions?" He asked picking up his cup of coffee as he took sips from it.

Adia swallowed hard, so as to not to get more angry at him, he looked so unfazed, as if it didn't bother him at all.

"Let him out" Adia demanded as Sebastian turned to face her, h
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