


The air grew heavy with the weight of my inquiry, the question that hung between us like a pendulum, poised to reveal the depth of Dr. Severon's descent into darkness. I peered into his eyes, once windows to compassion and healing, now veiled in shadows that hinted at a malevolent force lurking within.

Lorcan's presence lingered, a silent guardian outside the room, his gaze an unspoken connection that anchored me even as my attention remained locked onto the man before me. Dr. Severon's transformation was a riddle that begged to be unraveled, a puzzle with pieces scattered across the landscape of his fractured soul.

A turbulent mix of emotions swirled within me - anger, confusion, and a profound sorrow for the man who had fallen so far from grace. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the depths of his transformation, a metamorphosis into a creature of malice and cruelty.

"You think that justifies your actions?" I shot back, my voice quivering with a blend of fru
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