
Chapter 84


"Alright, everybody, drop what you're doing. Meeting, now," I bark into the phone. My fingers drum impatiently on the desk, and urgency knotting in my stomach. The warehouse fire incident isn't just a blip—it's a five-alarm problem screaming for attention.

I stride into the meeting room and wait for all my staff to get together.

"Listen up," I start, my gaze sweeping over the sea of faces. We've got a situation—a serious one. Someone deliberately set fire to the warehouse."

A faint gasp ripples through the crowd.

"I reviewed the security footage with Hal earlier. There was a man, his face obscured, who broke into the warehouse through a side door right before the fire started. He knew the code and disabled the alarm. This was calculated," I say, looking around the room.

Murmurs ripple around the table as the staff exchange uneasy glances.

I clear my throat before continuing. "I've asked you here because I need your help. You all know our operations inside and out. If anyone ha
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