
Anita's death


As days had passed, Simon had been headstrong on not giving up on defeating Anita's sinister's plan. And one day, she stormed into Simon's study room in a furious state.

The tension in Simon's study room was palpable as Anita confronted him, her anger simmering on the edge of violence.

"Simon," She started, "I told you not to get in my way and my plans, now where is Gabriella," She demanded, her voice seething with fury.

"Where is Gabriella, is that even a question you should ask me, how would I know that," Simon responded.

"Do not test me patience Simon grey, for the last time where is Gabriella," she said once again but

Simon remained resolute, refusing to yield to her threats.

"I don't know where Gabriella is," he asserted firmly.

Anita's patience wore thin, and she brandished a gun, firing it into the air as a chilling warning. "Now, you see how serious I am. Where is Gabriella Hart?"

"And like I said early, I do not know," Simon didn't waver and he said in a firm and deter
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