
#4 Against All Odds

A satisfactory smile spread across Leilani's almond shaped lips as she glanced at the reflection of herself from the standing mirror. She looked young and very healthy, of course she should be, she had met Vincent when she was eighteen, a year later they got married.

"Which would I prefer, when I was 39, useless, hurt, betrayed and on the verge of death or now that I am 24, healthy, strong and with every knowledge of the future, something I need to take full control of my life," She paused to stare at her ringing phone.

'Sugar..... speaking of déjà vu' 

Diane Timmer, her suppose best friend, sugar, soul mate, and better half. She meant everything to her even more than what her own husband Vincent Russell meant to her, but yet, she betrayed and stabbed her in the back as if she meant nothing to her.

Leilani shrugged, smiling even harder. "I prefer the later. It's more sophisticated and even more interesting," 

She grabbed her phone and scrolled to the contact list, and just like when she had died in her first life, she really didn't have anyone to talk to, not even a single soul. Perhaps it took her that long to find out then since she was busy trying to be a loving wife to her husband, a good daughter-in-law to the Russell family, and a good bestfriend to Diane neglecting herself and her children which should have been her top priorities. 

"I need to find me some friends, like real friends." Leilani said just then it hitted her. Before she died, there was an unknown number that had called her. She quickly dropped her phone and jotted down the number. Luckily for her, she remembered every digit of the number. 

"I'm going to find you and know what you wanted to say to me," Leilani said. Just then, she heard a soft knock on the door.

"Good morning ma'am, you have a guest," Leilani was quick to recognize the owner of the voice. It was Clara, her kids' nanny, Vincent, had employed her three years ago to ease the stress of taking care of the twins on her.

"I will be there in a jiffy," Leilani said, nonchalantly not bothering to ask who the guest was. 

Minutes later, Leilani walked down with a smile plastered on her face, which immediately drifted away when she saw Diane and Vincent chit-chatting and laughing together while Vincent held unto Diane's son.

"What's funny?" Leilani asked with a fake smile on her face. Diane glanced at her and flashed her a smile, and hurriedly hugged her. "Sugar, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to your anniversary, Richard had a very bad day at work, and Jason got a cold," Diane said. "I'm sorry, I wanted to be there more than anything, but I can't leave my family," she added, trying so hard to feign innocence. 

"It's okay, I'm not angry besides you have a pretty good reason for not coming," Leilani stared at Jason, who was comfortable sitting on Vincent's laps, he looked pretty okay and didn't look like someone that was sick the previous night. 

"Thanks, Soul mate," Diane hugged Leilani again. "And to make up for not coming, I got you the best five years wedding anniversary," Diane giggled in excitement. 

Leilani turned towards her momentarily stunned, 'Did Diane get her an anniversary gift in her previous life?' 'What did she get her?' Leilani couldn't figure it out, unfortunately for her, while most of her memories from her previous life were easy for her, some weren't, more like that they were encoded in a safe waiting for a particular incident to trigger it or perhaps they have been lost forever. 

"A gift.... wow... thanks, sugar," 

"No, don't thank me yet. You haven't even seen the gift yet, I think the thanks you should come after you see the gift," Diane said, and Leilani nodded her head. Before she could utter another word, Diane grabbed her hand and dragged her outside the front door.

"Suprise surprise," Diane screamed in excitement.  

"A car?" Leilani was taken aback. It was the same car, the same exact car that she was in with her kids the day they both got into the accident which claimed her kids life. Diane was the one who gifted her the car. 

"Yes, it's a car obviously as you can see," Diane turned to look at her and frowned at her surprised, unexcited expression. "Sugar, don't you like the car?" Diane asked, snapping Leilani out of her thought.

"Yes.... sorry, I mean no, gosh, you don't know how much I need a new car, you know, after my old car spoilt and Mrs Madeleine Russell asked Vincent not to replace it, Sugar you are really my soul mate," 

A smile appeared on Diane's face when she heard Leilani utter those words. She had thought hard and long for a nice anniversary gift, which won't be suspicious, and she figured out that Leilani would be too excited to even think about anything else.

"Nice choice, Diane Timmer," She felt the need to pat herself in the back for a job well done. 

"Why don't you go try it out? Trust me, it's nothing like your old car," Diane said, handing her over the car key.

Leilani wanted to object and politely turn down the offer, but she figured out that it might make Diane suspicious of her and might end up becoming weary of her.

"Sure, why not?" Leilani took the car keys and entered the car, just as she thought the car was the exact same. 

"Thanks sugar, the car would definitely come in handy," Leilani glanced at Diane. She could see through her smiles, and she knew they were fake and evil.

"You are welcome, sugar, that's the least I could do since I missed your big day," Diane said. Just then, Clara walked towards them to inform them that lunch was served.

The Russell family was one of the few families that still uphold their long-lasting family traditions with the sole intention of passing it down to the next generation, and for a fact, the Russell family had a lot of family traditions which Mrs Madeleine Russell made sure that no one ever dared to defile.

Eating together was one of the many family traditions. On working days, breakfast and dinner must be eaten together then on none working days, like Saturdays and Sunday, lunch was included.

"Mrs Diane Timmer, I hope you don't mind joining us for lunch?" Mrs Madeleine's was as soft as silk. That was always the case with Mrs Madeleine whenever she spoke to someone she loves, Leilani hasn't gotten this part of her since Mrs Madeleine didn't like her and she never failed to sure her true feeling to her but for Diane, it was different. Perhaps Mrs Madeleine would have preferred that Vincent had married Diane and not Leilani. 

"Thanks so much ma'am but I would have to decline, I don't want to disturb your family peaceful lunch," Diane smiled. 

"Disturb? No, dear, you are part of our family too, don't decline this old woman's kind hearted offer," Mrs Madeleine smiled.

Leilani just stood there watching the two exchange sweet and kind words. After a while, Diane agreed to join them at the dining table. 

"So tell me Diane, how is your company, what's the name again...uhh..." Mrs Madeleine paused, trying to remember the company name 

"D-beauty," Diane raised her chin proudly. 

"Yeah, D-beauty, flourishing as usual?" Mrs Madeleine asked. 

"Yeah, I'm about to launch a new line of product, something even way better. The world is expanding, and so is everything in it," Diane said.

"Smart, the world is really expanding, and only smart people make bold moves to expand their company and prepare for the future. You know Diane, I love smart and industrious women, women who see opportunities and seize it without waiting for their chaebol husband or with the poor stupid mentality that two kids could make them the young mistress of a conglomerate," Mrs Madeleine said sparing Leilani a glance as if telling her that the words were for her. 

"Thanks so much for the kind words, ma'am. I learned from the best. My mum is a hard-working woman, so it would be a fault if I just sit at home all day, laziling around all in the name of a housewife," Diane giggled, she glanced at Leilani hoping to see an angry mole on her face but Leilani paid little attention to what they were saying, she was busy enjoying her meal. 

"Oh, sugar, I'm so sorry if my words offended you, I didn't mean to call you lazy simply because you are a housewife," Diane said. Her eyelid was down, and she stared at Leilani with so much remorse.

"Did you say something, I'm so sorry, I was so busy with my food that I didn't hear you," Diane was stunned, and even though she didn't want to show it, her facials betrayed her. 

Leilani's lips curved in a smile when she saw Diane's stunned face. If it was in her past life, she would have been offended by what she said and the way Mrs Madeleine was giving her a special treatment, but now, she doesn't care at all. 

"Have you tired the kimchi stew? It's really good, you should give it a try," Leilani said and made to reach the stew but paused, her eyes fixed on her thumb.

"Where did it go?" Leilani thought, staring deeply at her thumb. In her previous life, she had accidentally poured hot kimchi stew on herself when Mrs Madeleine asked her to pass the stew to her.

"I think you should serve it yourself," Leilani withdrew her hand. She didn't want to have the same faith as her previous life, so she was going to do anything possible to avoid it.

"She's a guest Leilani, you should serve your guest," Mrs Madeleine snapped. 

"Guest, you called her family a few minutes ago. Shouldn't she utilize her family rights?" Leilani asked, stunning everyone else.

Mrs Madeleine made to say something, but Diane was fast to speak up immediately. "Don't worry, I will just serve it myself," Diane said and quickly grabbed the spoon. 

Leilani fixed her gaze on Diane as she served the stew, curious to know what would happen next.

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