
Chapter 19 - An unexpected visit

"Um.. Andrew -- the blood stain is from Andrew" I said cowardly, giving my mom a convincing nod as I stood - waiting to hear her next response.

"Andrew?" She gasped rhetorically in a concerned voice - moving a step closer with her facial expression a bit worried than angry. "What happened to him?"

"Pfff... Nothing serious to worry about mom - he was drunk and bumped his head on a brick wall. That's all" I chuckled nervously with a shrug - rubbing the back of my neck with my right palm as I spoke.

Then my mom heaved a deep breath of relief and said "Okay, you get changed -- and your dinner is in the..."

"I think I'll pass -- dinner. I don't really feel like eating tonight" I cut in sharply - grinning widely at my mom who only gave me a slow suspecting nod before turning and walked towards her room down the corridor.

'oooff... That was close' I muttered inaudibly to myself in relief before turning to enter my room.

"What's you and your mom bickering about?" Shelly asked the moment I stepped into my room - sitting in the centre of my bed with her legs crossed together while giving me a searching stare as I closed the door and moved towards the closet -- hurriedly removing the stained shirt I was wearing.

"Um nothing" I answered bluntly, undressing to put on something else.

"Okay" Shelly replied in a somewhat embarrassed tone and laid her back on the bed in silence. I could tell what she might have been feeling; like I was shutting her out of my life and not telling her anything which can really hurt because she used to be the one person I told my deepest secrets to.

So I slowly turned around after dressing to face Shelly who was staring blankly at the ceiling as she laid with her hands over her tummy - fidgeting her fingers with a sober look on her face.

"Hey... Are you alright?" I asked softly, taking slow tentative steps towards the bed.

"I um... Am fine -- thanks for asking" Shelly replied bluntly, clearing her throat halfway as she spoke before turning to her side - backing me completely. She sounded sad with her countenance hinting her emotion.

"You don't sound fine, is it what I said?" I asked again with empathy in my voice, leveling my butt slowly to sit beside Shelly on the bed before placing my right palm on her left shoulder.

"Nothing, I just..." She started to say and paused before turning to lay on her back so I could see her face. "I just don't get why you hate me now -- so much that you..."

"I don't hate you" I interrupted immediately, chuckling softly as I lowered my gaze on her eyes which became slightly moist. "This week has just been shitty for me... With my work draining my energy and..."

"Your new girlfriend" Shelly guessed as she interrupted my response.

I exhaled sharply with a wide smile breaking through my pressed lips and gave Shelly a very slow nod before saying in a voice that sounded almost like a whisper. "Yess... And my new girlfriend too."

"Well..." Shelly heaved, turning again to lay on her right side. "...wait till she finds out who you really are" She added plainly.

I drew my head back in confusion after hearing Shelly's concluding response which sounded somehow like a threat rather than a tease.

"Um... Finds what about me?" I asked in nervousness - fixing my gaze at Shelly who only turned her head halfway to face me.

"That you're a playboy" she gave a curtly answer that caused my throat to feel dry in discomfort. I wasn't quite sure what she meant by that or if it was just a mere joke -- but it seemed more to me like she was willing to tell off any girl she meets around me that I was a playboy; Well, good thing she'll never have to meet Chloe!

"You've got serious trouble in you Shelly -- you know that right" I laughed, giving her a brief peck on the cheek before standing up from the bed. "Am off to the palour. Good night"

"Won't you atleast sleep here on the bed tonight? After all, we aren't together anymore... And don't you know it's not gentlemanly to leave a lady to sleep in the room all by herself?" Shelly sat up immediately on the bed as she called to me in a somewhat frustrative voice.

So I halted my steps halfway to the door and turned to face Shelly on the bed - giving her a blank stare as I thought about what she had just said.

"Nope!" I blurted immediately with a vigorous shake of my head.

"Ugh! why?" She groaned in annoyance - swaying her arms demonstratively in the air as she asked.

"Because I know myself and what I'll do should I get on that -- bed with you" I answered in a somewhat amused voice with a cheeky grin that only got Shelly even more pissed than calm.

"And who gives a fu*k!?" She choked out in anger.

"Um... my girlfriend gives a fu*k, I give a fu*k -- and you should give a fu*k too" I replied with my voice sounding almost playful than serious.

Then I noticed Shelly bit her lower lip in anger and parted them to say "You know what?... Fu*k off. Just --- just get to your couch whatever"

"Night Shelly" I teased, slowly retreating my steps back towards the door while my gaze remained glued on Shelly who immediately raised her right middle finger at me with a furious frown on her face.

"Fu*k you Liam" she growled and crashed her head to lay on the pillow.

"Okay... That went well" I giggled faintly under my breath and turned around to leave the room for the palour. I wasn't quite disturbed by her frustrative outburst; well, because I knew she didn't really mean it, and even if she did mean it -- I wasn't in the least bothered! Infact, I enjoyed playing with her feelings tonight.

***ONE WEEK LATER, Thursday 2:30pm***

I moved inside the palour, carrying the TV remote to put on an interesting channel while my mom was about leaving for the grocery store to get some food supplies as we were almost down with them. As for Shelly, she was busy in the kitchen - preparing rice and stew for lunch.

This was the seventh day after my attacking Kelvin that I skipped work entirely. I even had my cellphone turned off completely to avoid any calls. You can't blame me for doing this, because I felt nervous and more so -- scared that Kelvin might notify Chloe's dad about my action. It was best I remained out of sight until I deemed it fit to resume work. After all, I could always tell Mr Williams I had flu or something!

"Mom, don't forget milk too -- the one in the fridge is almost finished" I informed politely to my mom who only nodded her head at me and was about saying something when the loud ringing of our doorbell hushed her voice.

"I'll get that" I said immediately to my mom before dropping the remote on the palour table and walked briskly to get the door with beads of sweat oozing from my forehead as I began to feel nervous.

What if it's the police? And has the truth been revealed about my involvement in beating Kevin up? These tormenting thoughts weakened my legs - making them feel slightly shaky and unbalanced as I reached the door.

'Stay cool... Be cool Liam, it might just be a neighbour -- and not the cops' I heaved out a deep breath with those words echoing loudly in my head before pulling the door handle open when my whole face became frozen in shock to see that it was actually Chloe and not some policeman.

"Chl--Chloe." I stammered in a surprised voice - clearing my throat awkwardly as I struggled to remain calm in front of Chloe who stood in front of the entrance with a broadened smile on her face.

"Hi" She giggled shyly with her legs wiggling faintly in excitement.

So I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement and asked "How?... I mean, I can't recall telling you where I lived?"

"Well..." Chloe slurred in an amused voice. "I decided to visit that bar you took me to the other time and found your friend Andrew who pointed me to your house. I was worried about you and your phone wasn't going through" She added.

"Well, i can't lie that i didn't miss you" I teased softly

"I missed you even more" Chloe said romantically under her muffled giggle.

Then I drew in a deep breath of relief and was about asking her if she'd like to come in when my mom's voice sounded behind me as she approached. "Who are you talking to Liam?"

"Um.. mom, I -- I want you to meet Chloe and Chloe meet my mom" I said immediately in a courteous voice - stepping aside so that my mom and Chloe could visibly face eachother.

"Oh hi... Nice to meet you" My mom said before reaching out to hold Chloe's hands. "You know my son told me about you... But didn't quite tell me you were this charming and beautiful" my mom teased in a low playful voice and turned to face me with her left arm wrapped over Chloe's shoulder.

"Thank you miss" Chloe giggled with her gaze lowered shyly before lifting them up to look at me.

I only chuckled from where I stood in the centre of the doorway - slowly brushing my hair back with my right hand while staring gleefully at my mom and Chloe.

"Um, let me leave you two together and rush to the store" my mom said, patting Chloe lightly on the back and walked away - leaving us as we immediately chuckled at the awkwardness of the unexpected introduction while our gazes remained glued at my mom far away in the distance.

"Your mom is actually cool" Chloe complemented heartily as she returned her gaze on mine.

"Please -- come in" I said courteously in response - stretching my right arm towards the palour while my left hand remained clenched on the door knob.

"Thank you" Chloe said softly as she walked past me into the palour.

Then she brought her steps to an abrupt halt and turned to face me as soon as I closed the door before saying "Did you know Kelvin was hospitalised last week."

My heart skipped frightfully on hearing her sudden inquisition.

"What?... No -- no am just hearing now from you. What happened" I lied in response, shaking my head vigorously in denial before halting my steps few metres in front of her.

"Well..." Chloe started to say and shrugged her shoulders. "He said he was attacked by some guys. But his parent's have involved the police and they are in search of the persons behind their son's attack."

"Oh" I exclaimed quickly in surprise. "And did he say who those guys were?" I asked curiously with slight nervousness in my voice while struggling to steady my wavering stance.

"No... But -- why are you asking?" Chloe answered, giving me a suspecting stare as If I was guilty of something.

"Pfff... Nothing." I shrugged my shoulders with a forced chuckle. "So um... Was that why you came to see me? -- to inform me of Kelvin being hospitalised?" I added, trying to change the subject of our discussion.

"No silly.." Chloe laughed in a playful tone and moved a step closer - placing her right hand on my chest. "I actually um... Came -- because I had something important to tell you" She added with a faint smile on her face - making me itch with curiousity.

So I smiled back, raising my left hand to cup her right cheek and was about speaking when I paused instantly on hearing Shelly's approaching footsteps from the kitchen into the palour.

'Oh no!' I groaned bitterly in my head as I lifted my my gaze to see Shelly halting her steps behind us with a jealous look on her face that only I could notice since Chloe was actually backing her.

Chloe narrowed her searching gaze on my face when she noticed how distracted and frozen my facial expression was - totally unaware of the person standing behind her.

Shelly's presence made me feel a bit uneasy; my fear now was for her ruining Chloe's visit with her mischievous 'playboy' talks.

"What are you staring..." Chloe started to say and paused - turning around slowly to the direction of my frozen stare.

"O...M...G... Shelly, is that really you?" She screamed in excitement on turning fully - running forward to meet Shelly who in turn rushed to give her a hug.

"Girl -- it's been ages" Shelly teased with a loud laugh - clamping Chloe's shoulder the moment they pulled away from their long friendly hug.

'What the fu*k is happening right now?' I mumbled under my breath - blinking my eyes rapidly in total confusion as i stood fixed, watching them exchange pleasantries.

If Chloe was somehow Shelly's long lost best friend, then I was in for trouble -- because the Shelly I know would surely talk her friend out from having anything to do with me and my fill her ears with all my past sexual escapades! This was one thing i needed to avoid by all means necessary.

"You haven't changed one bit... Still looking sexy. Gosh! -- I missed you really" Chloe gave out a hearty laugh as she teased before hugging Shelly one last time.

"So... What are you doing here?" Shelly asked with a wide grin.

"I came to pay my boyfriend a visit" Chloe giggled, turning to face my direction with a wide grin on her face while the smile on Shelly's face slowly faded as she turned her head to look at me.

But all I could do was give them a comical wave of my right hand with a sheepish smile on my face which I found to be very stupid! I mean, I could have done better than just stand to wave at them -- who fu*cking does that!

"Pfff girl" Shelly scoffed as she returned her gaze back on Chloe who was also looking at her. "When you said boyfriend, I wasn't expecting you to...

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