
41. Recollection

"I need to ask miss Fianna questions alone. Can you all please wait outside for some time." The doctor then requested.

Having the room relaxed, the doctor began asking Fianna some questions. And after analyzing the outcome, the doctor said that she have a retrograde amnesia. Even though Fianna heard everything he said before, she kept herself calm and silent. Sitting while trying to take in everything the doctor is summarizing for her. And aswering when necessary, nodding when she feels to.

"And about your husband miss Fianna, I suggest you to stay and connect with him more. Because from this two months, I reckon that he and your marriage are the most important memory of yours that you have forgotten. But since you said you have somewhat seen them in your dreams, I believe you are going to recall them very soon." positibong pagpapahayag ng doctor.

Her closed mouth once again opened. "Did Chu- my father said anything about my husband's name, doctor?" her tone while talking is stil
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