
Chapter 92


“Princess, the criminal is now locked up in the dungeon.”

The Royal Guard bows in front of me after telling me the announcement, and I motion him to leave, not able to utter a single word because of the sinking sensation in my stomach.

Did I do the right thing?

I like to believe that I have. I mean, who else could have done it? Who else could have slipped that poison in that bottle when it’s only Levi who handled it? He’s the only one who could have done it.

But what if he didn’t?

What if he really was telling the truth?

I close my eyes, rubbing my temples and trying hard to rationalize it. My mom and dad are already gone to launch an investigation about it, and I know that we will find the truth about the whole scenario. Keeping Levi in the dungeons can be just a precaution, in case it gets proven that he really did it, which I’m almost certain that he did.


Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. I repeat this to myself for what seems like forever, but when I s
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