
chapter 61

Third person’s p.o.v

The weather was good and enjoyable yet it felt as dark as night for Linda. It did not have the same feel like before.

Entering the house, she saw everyone sitting in the living room apart from Daniel. Brant was rubbing his temple while Mary was crying silently. Morillo and his men stood there idly.


She felt bad though. She should have at least informed Mary about her whereabouts. She did not do anything but loved her as her own daughter. For sure, she would go ballistics if she did not come home for one night.

Everyone’s head turned to Linda and Mary ran to her only to give her a tight hug.

“Where were you? Are you okay?”

She analysed Linda through tears and Linda nodded in agony as well.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Couldn’t you give us a call to tell us that you were okay? You did not have your phone with you and we were unable to trace you. We were so worried.”

Morillo said with gritted teeth.

That for no reason criticism got Linda hot under the
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