
Coffee with a Stranger

Aletha didn’t look familiar to Mercy at all. In a way, she was a little relieved when she walked into the cafe to find the woman and didn’t recognize her. Aletha waved her over to her table, greeting her with a smile, and Mercy said hello back, shaking the hand that was offered to her, but the face she was staring at may as well have belonged to someone she’d never met before in her life. Just like every other face she’d seen since she arrived here.

“So… where are your kids?” Mercy asked as they both sipped the drinks the waiter brought to them.

“Alpha August got them settled in school this morning,” Aletha explained. “It’s different here than it was in the old pack. I don’t have to teach them myself.” Aletha smiled and took a sip of her coffee.

Mercy smiled and nodded as if she knew the difference, but she didn’t. She didn’t have kids herself, so she hadn’t really done much to investigate how school worked here, and she had no idea how it had worked at their old pack. “Do they like i
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