
50: The Indication of an Ex

270 missed calls, and 780 unread messages…

After Faith returned to Kai’s penthouse, she switched on her old phone to be welcomed by a load of unread messages and unanswered calls. Some of them were from her old workplace, and some of them were from her friends – they all stopped trying to reach her after a while, but there was one person, who didn’t give up. Elijah. The last message Elijiah left for her was a few days ago. In every message he sent her, he is worried about her. In some messages, he expressed how much he misses her. In other messages, he is scared for her.

Faith’s eyes watered as she read his messages. Her heart fluttered in her chest. There was at least someone who was missing her, who cared for her. After a long time, Faith felt like there was someone for her. She gulped and decided to answer Elijah back. She needed to talk to someone, maybe it was meant to be him all this time. Her heart is heavy. She needed a shoulder to cry on. So, she wrote him back.

Faith to E
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