
Chapter 36: Violet

Mia knocks on my partially opened door before sticking her head inside. "Hey, Caroline and Maddie are ordering pizzas, are you interested in splitting one?"

Pizza sounds amazing. Plus, I'm in desperate need of fuel for energy. It feels like I'm running on fumes. I've been bogged down most of the day studying for tests and making a last pass through a six-page paper due in sociology on Thursday.

"Count me in, I'm famished. I think my stomach has started to eat its own lining."

"Okay...great." Her mouth hitches at one side. "About the pizza, not your stomach consuming itself. Should I get our usual? Pepperoni with extra cheese and an order of garlic knots?"

"Definitely." My tummy rumbles in agreement.

"Fine, I'll let them know." She disappears out the door and down the hall.

Ten minutes later, I'm having a difficult time concentrating with pizza on the brain. I push away from my desk before heading out to our common area where Mia is sitting with her Kindle.

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