

"What now?" Princess Antonia asked her sisters immediately they appeared in the palace. Princess Linda and Jenny stared at each other before turning to her with smiles on their faces.

"You have to tell mum about the ring on your finger" Jenny whispered. "She is our mum and deserves to know everything. I don't think she will be happy if she hears it from somewhere else instead of from you."

Antonia exhaled and stared at her with a frowned face. "Must it be now? I'm so tired."

"No one is forcing you Antonia but it's the right thing to do" Linda admitted. "But if you don't wanna go, we will help you deliver the message ourselves."

"No no, there's no need for that. I'll tell her. But I'm just tired."

"Hmm," Jenny let out and eyed her making Linda chuckle.

From a room behind stood the great Goddess listening to their conversation. She gleamed and strolled into view startling them.

"Mother," they whispered and bowed. "You are here?"

"Yes, I am. Why
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