
Chapter 41.

Gaia POV.

I watch as my army slaughter Morgana’s followers. I smirk at the carnage, the screams, and the coppery tinge of blood calls to me. My red eyes locked on Morgana as she pulls at her hair in frustration.

I see Calista as he pulls himself up. She turns and grabs him. I jump down off the rubble and charge forward, letting Kodiak push us forward.

Cutting her followers down as I move. The sword in my hand dripping with blood. A loud roar comes from behind Morgana as the trees shake as birds shriek and fly away. I watch as a hydra steps out and my eyes widen as I come skidding to a stop.

“Oh, shit!” Kodiak says. Oh, shit indeed. How the fuck did she get one of those? They are meant to be in the underworld. I look closer and see it has collars on it’s three necks. It is only young.

Even being young, it is huge. Towering over the trees. There is only one thing to do. I look around. I need to find him. I spot him chomping down on someone. Shaking his head violently as the person is spl
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