
Chapter Fifty Three

Kalista’s POV

Being engaged to be married to Jace was a dream come true, only hiccup is that I can tell that he is stalling waiting for something or someone perhaps, I am strongly hoping it’s something and not someone, I knew he has the capacity to have that wedding In a weeks time, or even sooner but the fact that he is pushing it into two months time has been my main issues, but I could not ask for an adjustment for fear of him Changing his mind suddenly and cutting me off totally , so I buried my objections and just waited to do it when he is ready.

Ana and Isabel my friends are aware of the whole situation, infact they were the ones who adviced me not to ask him oh, so as not to loose him citing an example with when she told her then fiancé that she wouldn’t mind marrying earlier and he suddenly put the entire engagement on hold because she dared to ask , and it took six months for them to be able to change his mind about the marriage.

So judging from the incidence I decided no
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