
Chapter 91 Fate's Plans

Lexy snuggled in her mate’s warm and furry hug. She rubbed his chest and with a soft voice, she answered to comfort Aldric’s worried mind.

“Don’t worry, I guess I can ask for help on how to cast a spell and adjust to all of these changes,” Lexy whispered. “For now, I guess I have to grab a nap and regain some strength.”

Lexy felt so drained out of energy. She may not understand but Aldric and Ethan were aware of this effect on their mate and baby girl after the mating ritual was done. But Lexy was wary about being so weak to attend to Ethan the way she did for Aldric just now.

“Ethan, baby… I’m sorry…” Lexy murmured as she felt Aldric’s fur and body shrinking back into his human form. Aldric let Ethan surface as soon as he heard Lexy call the latter’s name. Their coital tie had loosened already so he was able to shift.

“Don’t worry, baby girl, we have a lifetime to share. Have a rest, because I will ravish you once you gain your strength,” Ethan chuckled softly.

Lexy nodded weakly
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