
All My Fault


So, this was what it felt like when everything went to hell in a handbasket. My heart sank so low during those moments in Kaden’s office after he told me to leave that it felt like it might be at the soles of my feet by the time I left.

Tears stung my eyes, threatening to fall with every step I took. I kept my head down when I emerged from Kaden’s office, allowing my hair to form a protective curtain as I hurried to the staircase. I couldn’t face the elevator right now.

There was always someone in there who wanted to talk to me about something, and if I opened my mouth, the lump in my throat was bound to disintegrate from the vibrations in my voice box, and I was sure to become a rambling, blubbering mess.

Slamming my fists into the door leading to the staircase, I burst onto the concrete landing and sagged against the cool wall. Shit.

An hour ago, Kaden and I had gotten to the office together, happy and in love and sated from a morning of me wishing him luck for his first day
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