
Getting to Know Him


I did as he asked, and he talked me through what felt like our ninetieth client for the day. Logically, I knew it hadn’t been quite so many, but it sure felt like it. I scribbled notes in a spiral notebook while Kaden talked, my hand flying across the pages to keep up.

The food arrived when we were about halfway through looking over an agreement Kaden had been busy drafting for Mrs. Newton. He got up to get it, but I beat him to my wallet and paid the delivery guy.

Kaden sighed, narrowing his eyes before he shrugged. “Fine, but the next dinner is on me.”

“You’re eating dinner here because of me. It’s the least I can do.” I didn’t want him feeling like he had to pay to be here to train me. “Consider it a business expense.”

He scoffed but nodded approvingly. “You really are learning fast.”

“It’s because I have an excellent trainer.” The compliment was out of my mouth before I could stop it.

Kaden’s brow arched, his head tilted, and his lips kicked up into a grin. “Excellent, huh?”
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