
Good Memories


Shutting off the water in the shower, I reached for a towel and dried my hair before knotting it around my waist. There was something up with my girl, and I needed to find out what it was. There was a pit forming in my stomach that it was about her telling me she loved me too, that perhaps in the bright morning light, she was regretting saying words she didn’t really mean.

The muscles in my jaw tensed, but I forced myself to loosen up. I refused to believe she didn’t mean them. It was just my mind playing tricks on me, projecting old insecurities about no woman ever loving me after my mom died onto an unrelated situation.

Ember had been honest and sincere when she said she loved me. Her green eyes were open and expressive. I saw the emotion shining from them when she said it. Whatever was bothering her, it couldn’t be that.

I dressed fast, hearing the news coming from the television in the living room and suddenly eager to make sure Ember was still even here. God, I didn’t know
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