
15 - Uh Oh

~Dakota’s Point of View~

“You! You’re one of the assholes that did all this,” I snap, my mind suddenly very focused. But more pissed off than anything. I shouldn’t be wasting time on this, my only focus should be Dex.

He grins again, but I look away quickly when I see them hoist Dex’s body up, using the hunk of tree as a stretcher of sorts. My feet move on their own, and I run for him. Once he’s laid on the ground I run my hands all over him, beginning to assess his body. He’s got lots of little cuts, and bruises forming, things his wolf should be able to heal. The fact that he’s not is bad, real bad.

“Where is he hurt? Is it internal, what if he’s bleeding inside,” I say, not talking to anyone in particular. I have the thought that all these guys could have gotten him out for an easy kill, but they’ll have to get through me. Through my anger anyhow. I have no doubt they could overpower me without issue.

*We have to get him to the cave! We can’t trust they won’t take advantage of h

Thank you for your patience with my slow updates, I will have more this weekend. Thank you as always for reading!

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