
Chapter 47 Xia Wan Is Coming

Shen Xinglan's return didn't affect A Miao. The only change was that she went downstairs for breakfast later than before. However, even if Shen Xinglan was gone, Le Yi was still here...

Le Yi touched his eyelids and said, "Are you going to keep them like that?"

"Yes." A Miao was going to eat her second sausage, and suddenly asked, "Can't I?"

She thought it was Shen Xinglan's idea.

"Do you have some misunderstandings about Shen?" Le Yi helped her to pour a cup of coffee. "I just asked casually. The cosmetics are not good for your skin if you wear them all year round."

A Miao had finished eating the second sausage. She picked up a piece of bread and looked at the man next to her. "Doctor Le, can we change the way of getting along with each other?"

"Like the way of you and Shen?"

"Can we?" A Miao added a thick layer of peanut butter on the bread. "I am very used to Shen Xinglan's attitude to me. Your concerns about me always make me nerv

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