
Part 47

They arrived at the hotel, which was a branch of the Quirino family's hotel. Before leaving, they had a debate because Adaline forbade Altezza from driving herself. Eventually, feeling defeated, Altezza decided to hire a makeshift driver instead of using an online taxi service.

Letizia and her family, along with Altezza's parents, were already waiting for them in the hotel restaurant area. They were enjoying snacks while waiting for Antony's entourage and family to arrive. Gian immediately stood up and greeted Adaline with his annoying greeting in Altezza's eyes.

"My beauty, why do you look more and more like an angel every day?" He praised with sparkling eyes. He attempted to embrace Adaline with both hands, but Altezza quickly redirected Adaline behind him.

"Remember, cousin. She's my wife," he growled hoarsely.

"Yes, yes, I know, but just for a moment, let your little brother hug her," he pleaded with a pout.

"No, Gian!" Altezza shook his head. His actions only made his head spin.

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