
Chapter 102


The first thing I became aware of was the delicious ache between my thighs, a reminder of the intensity of Ethan's lovemaking the night before. A sleepy smile curved my lips as my eyes fluttered open, seeking out the solid warmth of Ethan's body.

Only...he wasn't there.

Frowning slightly, I reached across the rumpled sheets, finding them cold as if he'd not slept on his side of the bed.

That was odd. After last night, I had expected Ethan to be reluctant to let me out of his sight, let alone leave the bed before me.

A faint murmur and rumble of voices from beyond the bedroom door caught my attention and I dragged myself out of bed. I Wrapped a silk robe around my little frame padded across the plush carpet and pulled open the door, intent on finding out what all the noise was about.

As soon as I stepped out of the room and went downstairs, I was greeted by Ethan, talking to Tony with a pinched look.

Wondering what was going on, I walked up to him…

"Kim!" Ethan exclaimed, br
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